Thursday, December 31, 2009

An entry from my diary

First of all before I continue on my post, I'll like to say...

Happy New Year 2010!!!

Damn... I spent the last few hours of the year 2009 sleeping!
And I spent most of the last few days at home... Chilling somewhere... & prawning with Ah Xiong.
Anyway it's a brand new year, today's the first day!
Wishing hard that this year, will be a even better year for me!

Ok... Continuing on my post... 'An entry from my dairy'.

During the period while I'm writing my diary,
I will collect some quotes & lines that I've written & store it on a notepad.
Some of it are from movies, stories, songs...etc... but most of it from myself.
One of my favourite is this...

" Wandering without a purpose, Searching for a key...
The memories you gave me, Hurts my heart with a song... "

- Kim Jun Hong

Reading my diary brings an aching to my heart...
Knowing that time will never turn back, knowing that all these memories will quietly fade away...
I wrote my diary with an aching in my heart,
now I read my diary with an aching in my heart too...

4th of August 2003, Monday.

6.52 AM

Good morning! As I've said last night, I managed to do 7 chin-up last Saturday morning.
I think that it is because I found the correct tatic for it... That is to strengthen your wrists!

Aww... I smuggled one of my burned C.D into camp last night!
I borrowed a Discman from one of my malay camp-mate, Fairuz.

It is so relaxing listening to the music I like...
But Fairuz's Discman got a little problem! Sometimes it'll suddenly stop playing!

Last Saturday night, I went out with Cobra & Cardi to Bedok.
We went to a lan gaming shop and we played Counter-Strike.

Later at night, I went Boat Quay alone!
Luckily I spotted Candy & Mao Mao there and they accompanied me throughout.
Too bad both of them are staying at the West area of Singapore.

While I was at Boat Quay, at around 2am, I saw one of my Sergeant!
Haha, I quickly hide, trying not to let him see me.

Sian! It's time for Stand-By-Area! I can't write anymore! I will have to continue later!

9.20 AM

Now we need to do a very good area-cleaning because there will be a check later at 11am!
I'm very busy!

10.45 AM

Just now while I was writing halfway, I got called by one of my platoon-mates to help out the shiftings of spoiled lockers.

Tomorrow we'll be able to book-out before lunch! But we'll have to book-in on Wednesday at 2pm.
We are able to book-out tomorrow is because on Wednesday morning, new batch of BMT recruits will be here & we won't be of any help then.

I'm getting quite sick of army's life already and I'm also starting to write this dairy lesser.

Last Saturday night at Boat Quay was a happening one as it was packed!
But I didn't enjoyed it because I went alone.
Luckily I managed to spot Candy & Mao Mao if not I'll be very lonely.

5.02 PM

We just finished our 'Endurance Training'.
I didn't took part in it because I've got flu & running nose, so I went to 'Report sick'.

I came back without any status. Our camp's medical officer sucks!!!
He just gave me some medicine that's all!
I got scolded by my Platoon Commander for not getting any status...
He said the next time I report sick and return without any status from the M.O,
he will charge me! What the hell...?! I was so angry yet sad for hearing that!

Sigh... I feel so lost & sad now... Who will understand the sorrows of my heart...?


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