Monday, December 21, 2009

One hell of a block-buster movie!

Caught the latest block-buster movie with Jessie...












I personally gave a ratings of : 10 out of 10

Great! This is the first movie that got a full ratings from me!
This movie is super cool! I've never watched a movie as good as this since Lord of the Rings!

Written & directed by James Cameron, the director of the mega block-buster movie... Titanic.

Although the story is alittle far-fetched but it is still a very good story.
I wouldn't mind going to the movie to watch it the second time!

The Story line :

The story is set in the far future... Humans have already explored another planet quite similar to Earth... Called Pandora, a lush jungle-covered extraterrestrial moon filled with incredible life forms, some beautiful, many terrifying & humans had already set up a military base there.

The humans planning to mine the very valuable minerals there back to Earth...
Problem is Padora is home to the Na'vi, a sentient humanoid race, who are considered primitive, yet are more physically capable than humans.

Since humans are unable to breathe the air on Pandora, they have created genetically-bred human-Na'vi hybrids known as Avatars. The main actor, Jake has unwittingly been recruited to become part of this project.
And through his Avatar, Jake will be sent deep into Pandora's jungles as a scout for the soldiers that will follow...

Over time, Jake integrates himself into the Na'vi clan, and begins to fall in love with Neytiri.
As a result, Jake finds himself caught between the military-industrial forces of Earth and the Na'vi, forcing him to choose sides in an epic battle that will decide the fate of Pandora and the Na'vi.

Superb CGI graphics!
My favourite was even the CGI Na'vi has very realistic emotions & facial expressions!

And not to forget the very beautiful world of the planet Pandora.

It was one of the best movie I ever watched!
Oh you would want to go to the toliet before the movie... it's a long movie... Almost 3 hours! :)


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