Saturday, January 2, 2010

An entry from my diary

Today was a boring day at home... didn't feel like going out either
Woke up early at 7am today!
Cooked some Turkey hams for myself and later spend the rest of my time watching TV.

It was around 11am when I went to the market and brought breakfast for both my sisters, Jessie & myself.
My elder sister had vegetable rice, younger sister had roti prata, Jessie had porridge and I had Nasi lemak.

Later in the afternoon I went market again to buy 4D for my elder sister and also brought my younger sister, Karin to the playground.

The weather was hot & sunny, so after awhile we went back home.

I took a refreshing shower and later spend the next one hour reading my diaries...
Mostly during my period in the army life of BMT.

When reading, I could really feel myself being back at that time...
The feeling was heart aching and lonely.

Certain parts could be quite amusing... On a few occasions I read and giggled softly to myself!

Here's one entry from my diary... On the first day of book-out...

14th of July 2003, Monday.

8.45 AM

Sigh... Back to camp!
Saturday's Remedial Training was strenuous... Gym & running on stairs!
I booked out at 4pm.

Me and my camp-mates were so happy the moment we stepped out!
And we don't even know where to go!
Then I saw a double-decker SBS bus drove pass me...
And for a second or so, I was thinking... What the hell is that!??

No joke! After being 'cut-off' from the world for almost 18 days, for that few seconds I've actually forgotten that there are public transport!

Anyway I booked-out of camp with Fairuz & Cheng Ee.
Me and Fairuz took a cab to Paya Lebar Singapore Post to had our lunch at Mcdonalds.
We've just gotten our pay!
After our lunch we cabbed home.

When I reached my door steps, my dog, Josh begins barking at me!
I screamed shut up & he did, then I went in and Josh begin to play with me.
I felt happy that Josh still remembers me.

My mother cooked very nice food for dinner...
There are BBQ Sting Ray, Curry chicken... etc... But I was really very full,
so I only ate a few spoonfuls.

After dinner, I had a short chat with my Mum before I went out.
My mum asked me to lend her $200 to pay for my brother's tuition fee,
which I placed the money on her table the next morning.

At night, I went Bugis Arcade to play one of my favourite game, Marvel VS Capcom 2.
There are lots of pretty girls! It has been 18 days since I last saw a pretty girl!
Damn... my botak head and sun-tanned skin! :(

After Bugis, I went Boat Quay. It's been 1 month since I last went!
Wow, they have even prettier girls there! :p

I danced all night through and also drank two mugs of beer.
I reached home at 5 am. Boy I was super shagged!!
I felt asleep the moment I lie on my bed with my chilling air-con!

Wow! Right now there's a nice song airing on 93.3FM!
It's 'Shou Ai Ni' by Jolin Tsai.

I woke up the next afternoon at 6pm! I was so tired.
I had my dinner and packed my field bag.
While my parents give me a ride in their car back, I played with my younger sister,
Karin. I miss her alot!

I reached outside my camp at 8.45pm & right away I saw my platoon mates.
I bided my parents good-bye & I went to joined my platoon mates.
Some of us walked to a corner to have a smoke before booking-in.
Sigh... I'm getting used to the life in army but I still couldn't endure it!

I miss my parents alot. I hope they'll be fine.
I worried about my Dad, I think he is sick. :(
I worried for my brother, his schooling is getting bad...
The same goes for my younger sister.

1.15 PM

I just had my smoking break, I reached my bunk and found everyone asleep.
Some slept on the table, some on the floor.
I'm feeling tired too... Right now, I'm in a corner of my bunk writing this diary.
I hope they'll at least give us permission to sleep on the bed for 45 mins!
Too bad I know there won't be any...

I'm so shagged, i think i go take a rest first...

5.30 PM

Just now when I said I go take a rest first, I lie less than 5 mins and we got called to fall in already!
We just had our games, it was a stupid game... something like water polo.
I rather play 'Rounders', a very popular game when I was still in Primary school.
Mm... 6.15pm got to fall in downstairs for dinner... I wonder what's up for dinner!

6.40 PM

Just had our dinner but Sargent James doesn't allow us to smoke! What the hell!?
So some of us secretly went to the corner of our corridor to smoke...
Sargent James is too much! We didn't do anything wrong!

Anyway the dinner sucks and I am not full!
I only ate one piece of chicken & a few pieces of prawns...

Right now I'm sitting in a corner of my bunk listening to music while writing this diary. I wish a short nap will be allowed!

9.49 PM

I just bath finish & I'm lying on my bed while writing...
Just now we had a 45 mins lecture by our Platoon Sargent!

I got to train my chin-ups and my running!
I'm bad in my running since long ago! Good Night!



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