Saturday, December 26, 2009

An entry from my diary

15 April 2004

11.05 pm

It has been almost 3 months since I last wrote on this diary.
I'm writing it right now because I felt an urge to write it...

It has already been more than half a year since I entered National Service!
I'm a riffle-man.
I got transferred to Platoon 4 because of some small problems I've created in my previous platoon...
Anyway I feel that 4 will be much better than my previous platoon.

Our trainings now are much tougher than the ones during our B.M.T...
We have an average of 1 field-camp monthly!
Currently, we just started our 'Company Training' 1 week ago.
We have completed our 'Section' & 'Platoon training.
Our company right now is at Marsiling doing their field camp which I didn't go,
because I'm currently not feeling well... But still got to help out on the 'stores' & 'rations' for the whole field-camp.

Up till now, the pain in my heart has not fade... The pain goes on... The memories remain...
Would all these memories be lost in time? Just like tears in he rain...

Last weekend I brought my brother, Jun Hao out for lunch and movie.
I haven really never been speaking to him in a long while.
His performances in school is getting bad.

So on that dat I managed to have a talk with him....
treated him to Kenny Rogers & watched 'Lord of the Rings : The return of the Kings'
That movie was Fantastic! I really loved the journey Frodo & Sam had...
And I really admired the bond of friendship Sam had for Frodo...

I wished that there'll be a someone who'll be willing to follow me, in search of a journey of a lifetime... Just like the journey Frodo had...


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