Thursday, January 7, 2010

A blast from the past

This whole week, I've been reading my diaries...
While reading it, I felt like I am still in the past...
But once I stopped reading, I knew that I was just dreaming.

Sadly, I realised that things did not turned out like what I've expected in the past...
Life before my NS, were in fact the most carefree, fortunate and the wildest period in my life which I never realised and cherished then.

Jessie was obviously not very happy with me reading my diary... I assumed that mainly is because me, having spent too much attention on my diary and also in it, I briefly wrote a couple of my past love relationships that happened before my National Service.

She once said to me, why kept dwelling on to my past when I should actually look ahead into the future and make it better?

What she said was very true and wise indeed! But still I want to let her know that...
Some memories are memorable and very precious.
It also depends on how I ponder on my memories... I do ponder and mourn onto my past but just on the memories I had with my friends, myself and my
I do not ponder on my past relationships. I now hope that she will understands.

Anyway, I found this old photo taken back in 2005 with my brother, buried deep inside my email inbox.

In the above picture, on the left is my brother, Jun Hao and on the right is me!
I could see that I was still looking very boyish then. If I remembered correctly, the location of this photo that was taken, was at the Changi Village Hotel. I was still in NS then, only having to serve another 5 months more before I ORD.

Last Sunday, me, Jessie and my younger sister, Karin went Downtown East for dinner and later White Sands for a short walk...
Karin & Jessie
Dory Fish.
Favourite! Chawamushi!
Karin happily eating her Chawamushi.

On the next day, Monday, me and Jessie went Orchard Far East for lunch and did some window shopping.

For lunch, Jessie recommended me the Wanton Mee at Far East Basement 1.
It is a stall where I've walked pass countless of times but had never tried the food.
Looks tasty?

After trying out the Wanton Mee, I got some reviews on it...

Well, it was quite tasty but the best Wanton Mee I've tried in Singapore is located at Lavender Food Square, the sign board is
Kok Kee Wanton Mee.

Although Lavender Food Square is quite huge but I'm sure you won't miss out the stall...
Because the queue of customers is always so long! I once queued up and waited in line for my turn, for exactly 50 mins!! If you are lucky enough, there are certain short timings when the queue is actually clear.

The second best Wanton Mee I've tried is the Kovan Hawker Centre at Kovan Interchange.
Be aware though, the queue can sometimes go up to 2 stories in length!
The Wanton Mee in Far East ranks 3rd in my list.
Jessie and me *fierce*
Me and Jessie outside Far East.

In the evening, we went singing! Finally! After stopping for like 3 weeks, we finally went singing again! I deeply enjoyed the evening.
I feel that this picture look kinda like those family portrait. Haha.

After singing, it was getting close to midnight. We met up with my friend, Eugene and head over to Ang Mo Kio to fetch Shih Hui, then went Thomson Road and had Roti Prata for supper.

After the supper, I suggested going over to Devil's Bend since it wasn't too far away from where we were and Eugene has never went there before.

Before we entered into Devil's Bend, we headed up to the reservior at the end of Devil's Bend.

In case you were wondering what is Devil's Bend, it is an abandon narrow stretch of road with quite a number of sharp bends. This road was once used as the track for the Singapore Grand Prix in the 60s & 70s!

So as I were saying, we headed up to the reservior...

The reservior was very dark and looks creepy! The girls were quite freaked out.
Then me & Shih Hui used our phone to take pictures of the reservior lake.
We switched on flash but was still too dark capture it clearly.

When she was previewing the pictures in the phone, she noticed the pictures were filled with lots of white gaint orbs! But the thing that really freaked her out is that she noticed a blur silhouette of 2 person hugging!! And on the other photo, there is a image of a face on one of the white gaint orbs!!

She showed all of us the pictures, I saw what she thinks she is seeing too... Although I was also feeling very creepy but I strongly presume that it was just an illusion cause by the moonlight, water and her camera's flash light.

Nonetheless the girls were still very freaked out and wanted to leave the place quickly.
This is the picture taken from my phone.

So headed back down and go take a ride along Devil's Bend.

We were riding slowly when a family MPV car came from our back at a high speed.
The road is narrow and so the car switched over to the opposite lane and over took us at a fast speed.
Some distance ahead after taking over us, the passenger stick his arm out and showed the middle finger! What an asshole!

After Devil's Bend we went over Yishun Dam... Slacked awhile there before heading back home.
Eugene on the extreme left, followed by Jessie and Me.

Today I had Sakae Sushi with my family at Century Square...
My dad ordered this dish for himself... Looks gross to me. Do you have the appetite after seeing this?
Sashimi Salad.
One of my favourite japanese dish... Soft Shell Crab! Yummy!

Finally end of my post! I spent almost 2 hours on this post, quite a long post!
Well, not entirely 2 hours on posting it. I'm watching TV while doing this post.

Having a headache right now...


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