Friday, January 15, 2010

Painful ulcer
Taken on Wednesday.

I got a very bad & painful ulcer on my gum!
It's been there for a week and it's getting worst each day!
I'm beginning to suspect that it's not just an ulcer and is perhaps a gum infection!

Usually when I have an ulcer, I got a very fast & efficient way of healing it...
That is to apply toothpaste on it, leave it on for a minute or so then gargle it off.
It will actually numb the pain temporary and at the same time heal it! And the ulcer will usually go off within a couple of days time.

I've been doing the same method for this ulcer on my gum for a week and it has not heal!
This painful ulcer is making me very difficult to chew my food! Because my ulcer is so swollen that each time I chew, I will actually bite on my ulcer!! Very painful!

This whole week I have not been eating at ease... I have to chew my food very slowly and softly, enduring great pain on each chew! Because of this, my food couldn't be completely chewed and when I swallow it so, I got to stretch and open up my throat than usual on each swallows! I hate this ulcer!


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