Saturday, January 23, 2010

Water Babies

Recently I tried the 'Water Babies' named by my younger sister, Karin.
What is it? It is just some very small colourful balls, each about the size of a sand grain.

You'll have to put them in a cup, add a little water and it will grow up to 100 times its original size in just a couple of days time!

It is a little lame, but I tried it anyway...
These are the 'Water Babies' that I've growed.
My favourite is these large transparent ones...
...because when you drop one of it into a cup of water, it magically disappears!
Look! I took one of it between my fingers...
...and I dropped it into the water. Can you still see the 'Water Baby'?
The cup seems empty expect for the water, but believe it or not... The 'Water Baby' is actually inside!
I am holding the 'Water Baby' inside the water but it almost looks as though I'm holding nothing!

That's the end of the story about the 'Water Babies'. Hope you enjoyed it! *Laughs*


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