Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hasn't really been updating my blog for the past couple of weeks.
Well it is because I've simply got nothing much to blog about.

Since 2 weeks ago, I've started to continue writing and updating back on my diary that I've stopped almost 5 years ago! And I'll probably stop once I've finished writing what I wanted to.

Writing on my diary makes me feels much better than writing on my blog.
The reason is because, I could write all my personal feelings, thoughts and views in it! Basically I could just write whatever I want. Whereby in my blog, I couldn't really write whatever I want.

Last week I mentioned about the bad ulcer resting on my gums. Well... It's slightly better now although I could still feel pain when I crunched the food with my teeths!

Below are a few pictures I edited using Photoshop, I did it just to pass some time... And since I've saved it, why not I post it up?
Initially this picture I designed was meant for my diary cover.
I felt that the 'sun' looks quite fake but the sun's ray that is shining against me isn't still too bad right?
I tried to make it look like a ghostly picture but the end effect doesn't really look that 'ghostly' huh? I think that it is because the original photo isn't really the type for editing into a ghostly appearance.

That's about all. I'm gonna go write continue writing my diary soon! Take care.


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