Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Alright man! iPhone's with ISO 4.1 could be jailbroken now! I had mine done by myself last night and I've been downloading games the whole night!

I read that jailbreaking is legal in the USA although it is stongly discouraged! Well, then I guess jailbreaking is legal in Singapore too.

I think one of the main advantages of jailbreaking is that it gives you 'freedom' of your iPhone, and of course, free apps and games. 1 out of 3 users jailbreak their phones.
When deciding to jailbreak, I guess the main reason that concerns people is the void of warranty, it happened to me too. But hack it! I want 'freedom' and 'control' over my phone!

Alright, enough said of jailbreak for the time being!

You know I suddenly remembered something random that happened a few weeks ago? That I had a very short conversation with Jessie that made me laughed so hard!

What was it about? Ok, I'm sure you all know what is a pager right? Ok, below is the conversation that took place...

(We were outisde having dinner when the thought of whether Jessie ever carried a pager stucked me)

And so out of curiosity, I asked her...

Me: "Hey, have you ever used a pager before?"

Jessie: "Of course!"

Me: "Really?? What model is it?" (Feeling a little surprised)

Jessie: "I don't remember the model... I know it is small... And there is 3 buttons on it..."

(I immediately knew which model she was talking about, the Motorola Memojazz. Then, it was considered the best pager around, like the iPhone of that time)

Me: "Oh...! The numbers on the LCD is it will automatically scroll one??"

Jessie: "Mm... I forgot already leh... Oh! But I remember my pager LCD is black and white! No color one!"

Upon hearing this, I bursted out laughing! There wasn't any colored pagers then! All pagers LCD were black and white. Jessie must have thought that there were colored LCD pagers! LOL!

(Laughing) Me: "Pagers where got colors one...??!" (Continued laughing...)

LOL. It made me laughed so much! Some of you might not find it funny, but for those who had carried a pager long enough will get my joke.

Ok ok, It's just the same as this; your friend told you that he just brought a new phone, so you asks him what model is it, and he told he that he cannot remember the model name but it comes with a charger! LOL! Yeah it felt something like that...

Hahahaha... alright, I better stop with the joke now and carry on with my post...

Just posting some random photos that I've took over the weekend...
Baby Elvis Kim
Cleaning Elvis up...

Washed up for Elvis before heading down together with Aloysius
to Orchard Road for a little walk...

On the way to Orchard Rd...
...Same thing
In the cab...
Orchard Ion
His first time to Orchard Road!

When we arrived at Orchard, it was drizzling, so we took a walk around CK Tangs and Orchard Ion. After that we went to Marriot Hotel to have our dinner there.
Jessie and her Brother Jessie & Aloysius
Wife & Brother-in-law
Me & Aloysius
Jessie & I
In Marriot Hotel
Aloysius is starving!

Aloysius said that he misses Pork Chop very much because where once Pork Chop was common in western food stalls, there are now lesser and lesser western food stalls that have Pork Chop in their menu, and therefore he ordered a Pork Cutlet. In fact, I think that it is now considered rare to find a western food selling Pork Chop.

Jessie ordered something like a 'Herbal Chicken', and I had my usual, beef steak! Aloysius Pork Cutlet Jessie's 'Herbal Chicken'
You remove the garnish and it will leave you with the sight of a spring chicken...
And this is mine... Tenderloin Steak. Can you see it?

Did you notice my steak? Yes it's that slightly squarish little brown thing behind the small white bowl with yellow sauce! I got to say that it was the most expensive yet smallest looking steak I have ever ate! It's price is $39!!

Anyway, after our dinner, we again took a short walk around Orchard Ion before heading back home...
Elvis on mum's lap Wedding portrait

The next day, brought Elvis to Tampines Polyclinic for his monthly check-up and vaccine.

After that, Jerlin brought her son, Baby Taevier, along to join us and we went to a couple of temples for praying before bringing Baby Elvis to my Grand-mother's house...
Jessie with Baby Taevier
A baby full of energy!
Took this using an App from my iPhone

Then last Monday, I had Mah Jong with Kevin, Jarris, & Kelly, and it was the longest Mah Jong session I ever had in years! We started from 3AM and played until 5PM!! 15 hours!!

Well of course during the entire session, I didn't just leave Elvis for Jessie to take care of! In fact, for that entire night, I was 'multi-tasking' while Jessie was sleeping. When I said 'multi-tasking', I meant that while I was playing Mah Jong, I fed Elvis whenever he needs to drink; changed his diapers when needed; checks on him whenever he cries; and I even bathed for him!! How's that??

Anyway, as I was saying, the MJ session was a long one, we only had 3 frames and the duration was 15 hours, that means an average of 5 hours per frame! Our backs and butts are aching so much!

Although the long MJ session was tiring, it was still quite worth it... Why? Because I was the BIG winner!

Mm... Actually I shouldn't say I was the big winner because I didn't won any money from Kevin nor Jarris, but for Kelly... She was really unlucky! In the entire 3 frames of MJ, we played at least 53 games, and she only won like 3 times??

I know why she loses so many games, it isn't because she doesn't knows how to play MJ... It was because she was too 'adventurous'. On every game, despite of how lousy her tiles are, she still goes ahead and tries to make a good combination so that she could win it big! She is brave...

Ok, I must go now. Good moring.


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