Saturday, October 9, 2010

Favorite Games in my iPhone 4

iPhone 4, it's the hottest phone on the planet!

I feel that it can do so much more than it's rival, the BlackBerry!

Well actually just wanna talk a little about the iPhone 4 because I've been playing games on it for hours & hours each day!

Just before I start, I wanna say that it's been a long Saturday! Well I usually say it's a long day as long as I didn't had enough sleep the night before!

In the morning, together with Jessie, brought Baby Elvis to Polyclinic for his monthly check-up and also had his vaccine.

After his check-up, Jerlin brought her baby boy to joined us, and we went to a couple of temples to pray.

When we are done praying at the last temple, we headed over to my Grand-mother's house which is very close to the temple. By then it was already 4.30 PM.

Jerlin left with her baby boy shortly, while me, Jessie and Baby Elvis continued staying at my Grand-mother's house until 9 PM.

It was my very first time bringing Elvis over to my Grand-mother's house and of course it was also Elvis's first time visiting his great-grand-mother's house! He was adored by everyone there!

And here I am blogging now...

Ok as I was saying about the iPhone 4...

I do believe all of you know what is jailbreak... Well, mine hasn't been 'jailbreaked'!

When I first got my iPhone 4, it's ISO is 4.0 which could be jailbreaked, but I unknowingly went to update it to the ISO 4.0.1, then to 4.0.2, and finally, the latest ISO version... 4.1... And I kinda regretted it because ISO version 4.0.2 and above couldn't be jailbreaked.

But good news, I heard that hackers have developed a jailbreaking software that could jailbreak ISO 4.1, will be released tomorrow (Sunday)! Frankly speaking, I'm quite excited for it... Lol!

I have brought quite a number of paid apps in my iPhone 4! To be exact, 11! And all are games! There are a total of 26 games, including paid & free games, in my iPhone!

Everyday I spent hours and hours playing the games on my iPhone! :P And now I'm gonna share with you my favorite top 5 games I've played on my iPhone...

Paid games will usually be much more enjoyable than the free games the AppStore provides, and so it isn't too surprising that my favorite top 5 games are paid games.

I will make it quick now, it's getting late and I'm getting tired too...

My favortite top 5 games I've played on my iPhone:

5. Alive4ever .

Does the title sounds a little familiar? Yes, Left4dead. Lol.
This is a shooter game, those classic have dual-control shooter (Movement control on the left and the shoot button on the right). They are plenty and plenty of dual-control shooter games available on the AppStore, and I have tried tons of them but Alive4ever is one of the best I've ever encountered!

Obviously, from the title, you shoot zombies. Some of the zombies are similar to the ones in Left4dead! Like the fat exploding zombie and the long tongue zombie!

One of the most enjoyable thing of this game is that there is multiplayer mode, where you team with your friends who have this game too, using bluetooth connection or wi-fi.

Brought this game for $2.99! But worth it.

4. The Creeps .

This is a tower defense game. Simple to learn, cute and colorful graphics! Kept me glued everyday untill I complete the entire game! I think this is definitely one of the best tower defense games in the AppStore!

Brought this game for $0.99 . Definitely worth it!

3. Solomon's Keep .

This is the latest game I brought from AppStore. It is same like Alive4ever, a dual-control shooter game, but with a strong feel of RPG.

Battling your way up in the Dark Wizard's castle, you gain experience, gold, items... Etc... and also learn new spells and magic. One thing disappoints me is that I managed to complete the game in just a few hours!

Btw this game reminds me of Harry Poter... Lol.

Brought this game for $0.99 .

2. Angry Bird .

I believe Angry Bird is one of the most popular games on the iPhone. Angry Bird is the very first game I had on my iPhone! Super entertaining!

This game is also the most 'updated' game on my phone. Over 40 new stages has been added into Angry Bird ever since I brought it!

Brought this game for $0.99 . Don't even have to hestitate!

And finally, the number ONE game on my iPhone...







1. Plants vs. Zombies

Simply the best game I've played on any devices as small as the iPhone!

This is some sort like a tower defense game. There are zombies trying to invade your house through your backyard/roof, and you plant PLANTS that shoots to defence.

I got hooked by this game within a minute of playing, and have been playing it everyday for long hours!

It is so fun that I've completed the entire game, and replayed it again... Not once but twice!

Brought this game for $2.99 . I will even pay $9.99 if the game duration is tripled!

Alright, that's all for my games... Gee... I think I suddenly feel quite young because of all the games reviews I just did... LOL!

Anyway I don't think I will disappoint anyone with the 5 games I've just mentioned.

Good Night!


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