Saturday, October 23, 2010

Using Finger Veins for Biometric Security

Sony Mofiria Biometric SystemHuman body is still the central figure for security and now we have a new biometric recognition member of the family besides fingerprints and eye recognition. Sony have announced that they have developed a system to identify a person by their finger veins instead of traditional fingerprints. Each person’s finger vein patterns are different from the others, even each finger to finger on the same person. The proposed Sony system is called as “Mofiria” and uses a combination of CMOS sensor and infrared lights. The result data then compressed into a small size which can even be stored on usual mobile phones. Sony’s algorithm is fast and accurate enough to be used in gateway security systems and personal devices like computers, mobile phones. Sony intends to manufacture devices which will use Mofiria in late 2009.

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