Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An eco-friendly, US-made friendly new store with absolutely gorgeous home decor!

I was introduced to this store by the owners and I was really, really impressed when I looked at the website. They obviously have really great taste as anyone can see by their collection of found and vintage pieces - and some of their own designs! (Talented hubby even builds some of the furniture!}

Their philosophy is one I like as well - "We believe that homes should be a cultivation of things you love and need and we take that approach in finding our products. Our focus is on community and sustainability so we try to source as much as possible from small, u.s. companies and many of our furniture pieces are made from salvaged wood or repurposed pieces."

Below I've pulled a few of my favs. They also carry a lot of smaller home goods - candles, pottery, tea towels, etc.

What do you think?

Go see more at Redefine Home.


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