Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vesak Day Eve

On the Eve of Vesak Day, it was considered as me and Jessie's first 'official' day out as newly weds. Well, we did went out days before that, but it wasn't really considered as a day out as we only went out for simple dinner, groceries, facial... Etc... None of the shopping centres walk about.

Anyway, last week while I was packing my room, I found this perfume that I've kept for a very long time!








Hugo Boss.

You can see that the perfume is not yet empty. Guess how long I've kept this perfume??

I recieved this perfume from a once special friend... Back in the year 2000!!!
Yes, believe it or not, I've kept this bottle of perfume for almost 10 years!!!
And it still smells as fresh as it should be...

Before I packed up my room...

After I pack up my room...

Actually I packed my room the day before my wedding.

Alright, let me continue with my topic...

On Eve of Vesak Day, Kevin came over my house to meet me and Jessie before heading down to Tampines Central together. Kevin is officially an 'Ah Gong Siao' now...! So much tattoos compared to before!!!

Before we leave my house, Kevin complained that he was having a cough, so he asked me if I've any cough medicine, and I gave him some to drink...

An hour later, Kevin fell asleep while waiting for me to finish up my lunch... *Laughs*
It got to be the cough medicine that made him drowsy! But what amused me most is that he managed to remain in a cool pose while he was resting his head on the table! And so I snapped some pictures of him!











LOL. I swear he was really sleeping while I took the pictures!

After our lunch, Sabrina arrived shortly, and together we did some shopping around Tampines Central. I managed to brought a neat looking bag at a bargain of $9! The tagged price was actually $12.90!! Muahahaha! And oh... Giordano's classic polo tee are actually looking much better now...!

In the evening, we head over to Bedok Central for dinner and to meet Joel there.
Kevin went off after the dinner while the rest of us decided to go singing! My favourite!
Once the Best Tag Team Buddies.

Awhile later, Sabrina's husband came too......

Ain't this picture cute?? Hahaha!

It was already one past midnight after we finished our singing, we went to Bedok 85 for a nice supper before heading home.

That's all, I have more to update but it's very late and I'm tired now... I should go and sleep now... :)


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