Monday, May 17, 2010

Stressed Screwed Up Hair

Today, I went for a haircut at a saloon around Tampines 400+.

Initially, I wanted to go somewhere else for a saloon that is better known but I was lazy and anyway Jessie encouraged me to go to an average saloon nearby my house rather than an expensive one. So I heeded her advise and went looking for an average saloon nearby my house.

Shortly, I found one saloon with resonable price and I went in...

There are 2 hair-stylists in the saloon, but one went to the toilet seconds just before I stepped into the saloon. So with only 1 hair-stylist available during that moment, I have no choice but to go with that available hair-stylist.

Hanging around the hair-stylist's waist, is a small pouch stuffed with scissors of all sorts and types. It made him looked like a pro to me, and so it actually made me felt quite relieved and comfortable for that hair-stylist to cut my hair.

I told the stylist the hairstyle I want, a asymmetrical hairstyle. I even showed him a picture for example, and he begin cutting my hair...

Mid-way through my haircut, I overheard the hair-stylist conversation with the other hair-stylist which then made me shockingly realised that my hair-stylist is just a

I also discovered that the other hair-stylist whom went to the toliet just seconds before I stepped into the saloon, is the owner of the saloon with over
10 years of experience!

If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have allowed him to cut my hair! Because my hair is now screwed up by him. Worst still, my big day is just 5 days away only!!! ARGH!!!

If only I knew it earlier!! Or at least go into the saloon a minute earlier and I will definitely have the chance of encountering the much more experienced hair-stylist for my haircut!!

I know I will definitely have the chance because seconds before I stepped into the saloon, the boss was sitting at the counter while that 'new guy' was sitting at a corner of the saloon dazing!

Anyway after my dreadful hair-cut, I did a hair-dye because I want to touch up my fading and uneven hair color. Secondly, I knew that a touched-up hair color would help improve my newly screwed up hair by that 1-week-old-hairstylist.

After everything was done, and hours later I encountered another problem... Jessie was tremendously fed-up with my newly screwed up hair and color!!! And I was threatened by her to color my hair to black!

When I spent over $30 bucks on my hair color? When my touched-up hair color could actually help improve my screwed-up hair? When my new hair color actually is the same color as my previous one?

My new hair color only looked more obvious because all the new grown black colored hair at the roots was touched up!

I'm already stressed up because of entering the saloon at a unlucky moment and also a bad judgement. Now, I encountered even more stress because of it! Sigh... FML.
One of my Wedding Album Photos. :)


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