Monday, May 10, 2010

Bad Cough

I think this post will be kinda long-winded.

I've been having a very bad cough since 2 Sundays ago!
That means it has been almost 10 days and my cough is still here!!

Well, actually 2 days ago my cough has subsided slightly, but it is still very bad!
I never had a cough so bad and so long before in my entire life for I could remember!

Should I see a doctor? Or should I see how it goes in a few more days time?
If my cough did not recover in a few more days time, then something is really wrong with me and I definitely must see a doctor then!

My cough is so bad that I cough the entire night while sleeping, it makes my throat sore, and it gives me an unpleasant singing session just now at Kbox or even during my showers. Haha. Oh ya, I'm coughing while I was typing this paragraph.

I really hope my cough will recover asap, because it is irritating!

Anyway I caught the highly-anticipated movie 'Ip Man 2' last week, which I think most of you has already watch it. But I would still like to give my comments and reviews about the movie.

Actually, I tried to catch 'Ip Man' on it's first day of showing but wasn't able to, because everywhere was full house! Of course not full as in 100%, there were a couple of very bad seatings which I think you may have guessed where.

On the first showing day of 'Ip Man 2', I tried to buy the 9PM tickets but the entire cinemas in the East was full! Tampines Mall, Century Square, and Pasir Ris Downtown East. Then I tried for the 10PM slot and the 3 cinema were also full! So I tried the 11pm, then 12pm, and lastly, 1am... But all was FULL!!!

I finally got the watch 'Ip Man 2' on a weekday which I assumed that it will also be full if I didn't brought the tickets 4 hours in advance of the showing time!

I'm pretty sure that the top 2 movies for the month of April will be 'Ip Man 2' and 'Iron Man 2'. But I totally wasn't interested in watching 'Iron Man 2' at all... It seems like a boring Super Hero Movie compared to Spider-man or Superman.

Ip Man 2

I personally gave a ratings of : 9 out of 10

Pretty high ratings I gave to this movie, you will know why if you've watched it.
It's fantastic!

For those who have watched it. You remember there is the part where Donnie Yen fought with Sammo Hung?
Master Ip vs. Master Hung

The fight between them was a draw! I believe some would wonder why did the director let the fight ended as a draw instead of Ip Man winning? I was part of the 'some' who has wondered why, but I think I know the answer why...

Firstly, Sammo Hung was the action director for this movie. (Why would he direct himself to be beaten up?) LOL. Just joking about the beating up part!

Secondly, Sammo Hung was considered quite a megastar in the showbiz. In fact, Sammo Hung reputation in the showbiz is much higher than Donne Yen, and Sammo Hung also has a much higher experience on martial arts compared to Donnie Yen, therefore how would the main director allow Sammo Hung to 'lose face'? It is just like casting Jay Chou to be beaten up by William Hung in a movie! Well, something like that!
Think about it...

Lastly, if you've paid attention in the movie, Sammo Hung is cast as Master Hung and is a Grand Master of Hung Ga martial art. Like Wing Chun, Hung Ga is a real martial art, and you know which famous but dead chinese person practise it? That is Wong Fei Hong. I'm sure most of you have heard of Wong Fei Hong. So how could they portray a martial art practised by the highly skilled Chinese folk hero Wong Fei Hong, Hung Ga to be lose to Wing Chun?

I'm sure that most of you after watching Ip Man would like Donnie Yen alot or at least looked upon him as a mega action star now.

What I'm wondering is that before Donnie Yen acted in Ip Man, he wasn't really very popular. Well, he is treated as a action star but not as those A-list action stars like Jackie Chan or Jet Lee, most likely just hanging somewhere below A-List action stars.

I personally think that the reason is because in most of Donnie Yen's previous action movies, he was usually casted more of a 'bad boy' image...

Below are a few of the movies Donnie Yen has casted in...
Sa Po Lang.
Sammo Hung vs. Donnie Yen in Sa Po Lang.
Dragon Tiger Gate.

As you can see from the above movie posters, most of his character he played is more of a bad boy image. I believe this was the reason that he never really made it to the A-List action stars. Unlike Jackie Chan & Jet Lee they played all sorts of characters, especially the 'good boy' image character.

Until Donnie Yen casted as Ip Man, where Donnie Yen had the rare chance of playing a 'good boy' image. In the movie, Donnie Yen played Ip Man the smart looking, humble, kind-hearted, gentle, forgiving, royal, chinese-pride, highly skilled, loving father and master! And you could still go on and on...

A character like that, who wouldn't love? :)
Alright, I just want to say that Donnie Yen should made it to the A-list of action stars much earlier before Ip Man! I have kept wondering why since long ago! But anyway he have made it now. :)

That's all for my post, I'm getting really busy getting ready for my big day that I don't even really have the time for a proper blog post! I feel that I even did this rushing post unneatly!


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