Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tired Day.

Last week, I searched through 4 boxes of old photo albums to look for my childhood photos.
It was for my wedding montage video.

While going through all the photo albums in the boxes, I found some photos that were like taken more than half a century ago! I'm serious! I believe some of these photos were even taken during my great-grand-parents time, when they are still in their middle age!

There is one particular photo where me and my brother call it the 'Ip Man' photo, whom actually is my grand-father taken together with his brother I guess, when he was still in his 30's!
Sitting left. If my grand-father was still alive, he would be close to a 100 yrs old.

A couple of weeks ago, I painted both my room and my sibling's room with
Powdered Pink!
Seriously, it wasn't a very easy job, especially when it comes to the ceiling!

Alright, continuing with my post topic... This morning, I did the 'Delivering of Chinese Dowry' to Jessie's house for my customary marriage.

The night before, I slept at 4AM and I woke up at 6AM to get ready for the 'delivery'! Just 2 hours of sleep!

Why so early? You should know there is an auspicious time for the 'delivering', and the auspicious time was arriving at her house before 6.50AM!
Prepared the night before...

You see the huge basket above? It contains all the main dowry items, and it is really heavy! One more thing... All the items on the table, including the items inside the huge basket, guess how much it costs altogether? It is close to 8K...!!
Before dawn, on my way delivering the dowry.
Seriously heavy!

I must be the 'main' person to delivery the dowry to Jessie's house. Carrying that huge basket up to her house made my arms numb and strengthless! An elder aunty of mine came along with me to her house, to help guide us on the procedures.

Basically we did some exchange of gifts, partially returning me the dowry I delivered... Etc...
Some of the dowry...
The elders doing their job...

After everything was done, I brought all the gifts back home, whole body feeling restless.

After I packed the gifts, I went downstairs for a smoke...

Then I saw the 'Spirit Cat'. Well, actually it was just a normal stray cat that always loitter around my void-deck, but the color of the cat makes me feel that it resembles a little like those Egyptian Cats. As ancient Egypt feels so mystical and spiritual, I simply called that cat the 'Spirit Cat'.

Last month, I saw the 'Spirit Cat' under my block, but what amused me was that the cat was lying on a pillow! I wondered where the pillow came from... Did the 'Spirit Cat' conjured it up? *Laughs*
Cute! Hahaha!

Before I took this picture, I got to try getting closer to the cat for a clearer shot. But as I got closer to the cat, it got nervous and put himself in a cautious position!

So from a distance, I actually showed him affection by doing a body language I learned from the internet! That is to look at the cat in its eyes, then I slowly close my eyes and opened it slowly again - This body language is actually showing deep affection to a cat! It is just like looking into a person eyes and telling him/her I love you!

After a couple of times, the cat seemed to relax itself where I then managed to move in closer to took the photo, and I even pat the cat on its head!

So back to this morning where I saw this 'Spirit Cat' again. It seems to remember me! I was sitting on the chair smoking while the 'Spirit Cat' came over to me, jumped onto my chair and even came up onto my lap for awhile!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to snap a picture of 'Spirit Cat' while it was on my lap!
My new friend!

Later, I managed to sleep only 20 mins when Jessie woke me up because I was supposed to meet her and Cerline for lunch in Sakae Sushi. We just had Sake Sushi last Thursday and we had it again today!

Anyway, a supposed lunch with Jessie and Cerline in Sakae Sushi became a early dinner for us.

After Sakae Sushi, me and Jessie went Bishan to drop a visit to her great-aunty before we headed to Junction 8.

Jessie is becoming heavy eater! Just 2 hours after our very filling dinner in Sakae Sushi, she suggested having another dinner in Cafe Cartel!! I totally didn't feel like eating at all, but in the end I still had some side orders of fries, baked potatoes, and Butter Baked Mussels! Jessie is really gonna make me grow fat by eating like this!!

We return home after dinner in Cafe Cartel, and here I am now. Tired and sleepy.

As our marriage date draw closer, the days become more and more busier!
I'll end my post here, tomorrow will have to go down bridal shop again.


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