Thursday, January 13, 2011

My 2010 Review

I was actually doing this post a couple of days ago, but because of some HTML errors that kept recurring when I tried to post it, I redo this entire post!

Anyway, I think it is slightly late now for this post topic, but whatever~

Alright, 2010 has really been a momentous year for me!

This post is about my thoughts & views on some of the unforgettable experiences or memories that I had in 2010; changes in my life... Etc...

January 2010 -

I'll start off with an earliest picture of myself taken in 2010...
Taken on 4th of January 2010

March 2010 -

I sold off my bike in March 2010. I decided to stop riding bike, or at least temporary stop riding. Before that I have been riding so for the past 5 years.

I considered this a major change in my life; as u can imagine that I have been using my bike as a personal transport for the past 5 years, and all of a sudden, I do not have a personal transport anymore! But anyway, I was quite surprised that I could adjust pretty well to this change.
Last picture, last day with my bike

April 2010 -

Mainly because of my wedding preparations - gown testing, buying the bed set for my room, choosing & buying of wedding rings, choosing & buying of Jessie's dowry... etc... - April became one of the busiest months ever in my life!

Almost once a week, Jessie & I will head down to our bridal shop to choose & try out our bridal suits.

Also, part of our wedding preparations is to buy a new bed set, we had to travel on different days to different places like Ikea, Novena, Furniture Mall, Defu Lane... etc...
The bed set we bought
Our room
Our Wedding Bands
I bought this engagement ring for Jessie

Lastly, in the month of April, I got this very bad cough. This cough is so bad, I think it was the worst cough I ever had in my life!

For 2 WEEKS, I kept coughing and coughing. I never had a cough so serious and for such a long duration in my life ever before! I thought I was going to die!

Fortunately, I recovered from my cough after 2 weeks!

May 2010 -

May 2010 is definitely a memorable & important month for me! Because my wedding was held on May 23rd.

Jessie and I had went to had our
‘Wedding Photo Shots’ on 9th of May, however, it unfortunately started drizzling shortly after we left the studio for outdoor shoots; it messed up my hair and made our outdoor shooting quite 'uncomfortable'! But overall, it was really a nice experience! We enjoyed it alot!
One of our outdoor photo shoots.

Also, 5 days before my wedding I screwed up myself; I gotten myself a regrettably ugly looking hair-cut, all thanks to the bloody hair salon I went!

Because of this, it made me so stressed and upset; one of the worst hair-cut I ever had, happens to fall on my wedding day! It totally brought down my morale on that day...

Lastly, my wedding day on 23rd of May. An unforgettable day; a LONG day felt like a short sweet dream to me…
Preparing to receive my bride...
Kevin proposing to me… Just for fun…

June 2010 -

Remember the shocking, yet at the same time amusing, Orchard Road flood?

That day, I didn’t know it was that serious until I arrived at Orchard for work. And I was lucky to be on afternoon shift for my work, if not, I think I would be stuck on the bus; be very late for work, and because I hold the store key, I will be causing the rest of my morning shift colleagues to be late for work too!

But by the time I arrived in Orchard Road for my work, the flood has already been 'dried’, but I did saw some of the aftermaths the flood left behind...

Photos below were taken from my camera phone...
Lucky Plaza
Tong’s Building (Better known as Rolex Building)
Tong’s Building basement carpark.
A street behind Paragon

Lastly in the month of June, I had this very disappointing change

You see… Despite taking care of my face (nightly routine of applying skin care products) after I got together with Jessie, there was a sudden outbreak of acnes on my face! And worse still, a couple of them left acne-scars and blemishes on my face!

Initially, I got quite upset about this. And although now that I have accepted it, I still feel quite disturbed at times!

August 2010 -

One of the most tensed & nervous moments in my life happened in August 2010.
What else could it be than your wife giving birth?? LOL! Yes I’m referring to the day
my wife gave birth!
An Ultrasound; before my son’s birth; on March 2010
Just seconds after birth!
Minutes after birth
24 hours after birth.
2 months old
3 months old
At 4 months old

We named him ‘Elvis Kim Zu Rui’. Rock & Roll in the making!

September 2010 -

Somewhere in September 2010, almost a month after Jessie gave birth, I suddenly got hit by this ‘crazy fever’!

This fever is so bad that I’m sure I never had one worse than that before! It lasted for around 4 days, with my highest temperature record hitting
39.7 degree Celsius!!

It sucked! The feeling was so not-very-good at all! I could only lie on my bed, and couldn’t or should I say wouldn’t do anything, including shower! I felt really super sickish, I am quite sure that it was the worst fever I ever had!

November 2010 -

In November 2010, my cravings for
Edamame started!

It all begins like this...

After some encouragements from my Dad (who also likes Edamame, but just not that much as me), to try an Edamame in a Japanese Restaurant, I got addicted to it!

Ever since that day, I was always keeping a look out for food stalls selling Edamame! Unfortunately, not much food stalls sells Edamame. Even most Japanese food stall doesn't have Edamame, only Japanese Restaurants have Edamame.

And so, since I am craving for Edamame so much, I went to NTUC Fairprice to see if there are any frozen Edamame available, and yes there is! :D

From that day onwards, I will frequently buy packets of frozen Edamame back home and cook myself. I really enjoyed eating it! It is so super yummy!
NTUC Fairprice's Frozen Edamame

I have been eating an average of one packet (500g) of Edamame a day almost without fail!

So much so that Jessie have seen me eating Edamame so frequently, she suggested that my Facebook display name should change to ‘Edamame Kim’, but I thought that was just a joke until……
What the??!

It was until a few days ago... I saw something that tremendously made me lose my cravings for Edamame...

…That is one night while I was busily enjoying the Edamames that I’ve cook, I found this very small green caterpillar inside a piece of Edamame which I was about to bite!! Gross!!

It made me wondered that throughout the pass couple months of eating Edamame, how many small green caterpillars have I chewed & ate?

I have already threw away the remaining 2 packets of frozen Edamame in my freezer...!

December 2010 -

On 17th of December 2010, my younger brother’s dearest friend, Gary, lost his life to colon cancer; just 2 days after his 31th birthday.

It was a sympathizing experience.

The last time that I saw Gary was in late June 2010, a dinner in a Chinese restaurant at Marriot hotel, on my Dad’s birthday. Gary was invited.

Although months before, I have already heard from my family about Gary’s illness, but on the night that I saw him, he looks just fine.
My Dad. The birthday cake was bought by Gary

Never did I expect that within a few months, his condition worsen.

The very last time that I saw Gary was in 15th of December; it was his 31st birthday, and his family had a little celebration for him. So I went to his house together with my family, and it was then, that I witnessed and come to realise how serious his condition has become. It gave me an heartache.
My elder sister wishing Gary on Facebook.

On 17th December, 2 days later, Gary passed away.

Although Gary is not a close friend to me nor had I even talked to him much before, but somehow, I still felt affected by his passing. Maybe it was because my sympathy lies strongly with his family and especially my brother…
Gary Keh

Gary with my siblings
Ubi cycling trip
With my brother at Genting Highlands

In Loving Memory of Gary Keh

Sad. It must have been very difficult on his family. But on the bright side, he is released from his pain.

Goodbye Gary. 15th December 1979 – 17th December 2010.
You will be remembered, Rest in peace.

Alright, I have come to the end of my post. Because of trying to correct the HTML errors in blogspot, I spent a total of more than 6 hours on this post!

Anyway, Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Do you always have this ‘special’ feeling of waking up on a morning of CNY? I do! And CNY is my favourite festive of the year! But for this year’s CNY, I do not think I will be as excited as I was before... Because this time round, no longer will I be receiving any Red Packets like how it used to, and instead, this time I will be the one who needs to give out red packets!!

Got to go… Wishing everyone an early prosperous Chinese new year!


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