Sunday, January 30, 2011

'Shaolin' movie review

If you have noticed, I changed my blog skin. Although not much difference compared to the previous skin, I still feel that this one looks slightly more refreshing.

Anyway, last Saturday I just watched the new 'Shaolin' movie starring Andy Lau!

Shaolin (2011)

My personal ratings for this movie : 9 out of 10 stars

A very nice movie.

*Might contain some spoilers*
A big production movie with some big cast like Andy Lau, Nicholas Tse, Jackie Chan, Fan Bing Bing, and Wu Jing. I read that for this movie, Jackie Chan and his production crew built their own "Shaolin Temple" in Zhejiang Province that cost 10 million yuan (S$1.9 million) to avoid damaging the actual temple!! Yes, in one of the ending scenes, this "Shaolin Temple" was blown up by multiple cannons!

The story of this movie was set in the era after the fall of the Qing dynasty, when China was torn apart by the feuding warlords, battling each other to gain power and territory over the lands. At the same time, the country was also threatened by the Western powers who try to take benefits on top of the chaos and dissension in China.

Andy Lau plays a ruthless & power-thristed general who was betrayed by his trusted second-in-command (Nicholas Tse), who leads him and his family into a tragic fall. He is then forced to take refuge in the Shaolin temple (where he once looked down upon & even beaten up some of the monks there). Meanwhile, as he learns about forgiveness, peace and the harmony of life; his betrayer plans to wipe him and the Shaolin out. So, the former general leads the monks in a fiery stand to fight for the sake of humanity and righteousness.

It's been many months since I last watched such a good movie! The story line is exciting, the actings are great, and the fights are impressive! There are also moving moments, and memorable scenes that captured the spirit of humanity and Buddhism.

I will say this movie is
Andy Lau's best performance yet!

Lastly, I'm sorry to say this, but the ending may not satisfy all audiences, it was not exactly a perfect ending.

Though I personally do not really like the ending, but overall it was still a great movie!
Must watch!!


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