Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jessie's missing phone solved

Jessie's missing phone is solved! Well, almost...

My reply to Anonymous's comments:

- Like I've said, her phone's battery was already flat when it went missing :) And I did searched the entire floor of my room.

- My hp bill is about $80 monthly, and I did my jail break by doing some research on the internet.
He is like saying "WTH?"
Calm before a storm...
His face goes red when he blows up!

A few days back, me and Jessie accompanied Tee Boon to his mother-in-law's house. Tee Boon went up alone while we waited downstairs, watching over his car, just in case the 'summon person' comes along.

We wait for almost an hour before we realize that he is taking too long and we needed to go home. As Tee Boon's phone batt is flat, Jessie asked me to go up to Tee Boon's mother-in-law's house to look for him! But I felt that it is a little embarassing and rude to go up to his mother-in-law's house to look for him. I began to hesitate when suddenly... Bang!

Tee Boon's car was lightly knocked by a taxi trying to reverse!

The taxi uncle got down his car while me and Jessie quickly walked over to see Tee Boon's car. Although his car was lightly knocked, the result of the damage will still cause heart-aches to whomever cars that got knocked like this too...
The damage is done.

We told the taxi uncle that this car belongs to our friend and he asked us to call our friend down.

What happened next, after Tee Boon came down, was a slight dispute before coming to an agreement of private settlement. I was wondering if Tee Boon or the taxi uncle was actually the unlucky one?
Unlucky taxi.
Some damages too.
The taxi uncle.

Mm... This reminds me of a similar incident that happened 4 years back;

I was on my bike with a pillon along Fullerton Road. I turned into a small street just beside Victoria Theater, looking for a place to park my bike, when I saw a car infront of me not moving. Somehow, not wanting to overtake, I stopped a few feets behind the car and waited for him to move off.

Suddenly, the rear lights of the car light up and started reversing towards me!

Bang! The car crashed unto the front of my bike!

As surprising as it may sound, I wasn't knocked down nor even wobbled, I remained firmly on the spot in fact!

The driver is dumb. I think the driver must be toxicated. After the driver reversed unto me, I horned the car once to back off but no response. I have to continue horning a few more times before the car finally move away!

I remained on my bike while the driver got down from the car. The driver was a male indian in his early thirties.

I saw a slight scratch on my bike's mudguard and I instantously thought of claiming compensation from the driver, but what I saw next carried this thought away...

While my bike only suffers a slight scratch on the mudguard, the car has a HUGE dent at it's back! Imagine a steel soccer ball cannoning unto the back of a car.

The driver squat down and stares at the huge dent on his car, then he looked at me and shaked his head in disbelief before letting out a sigh.

Thinking that a bike is supposed to suffer bigger damage than compared to a car, I shaked my head at him and ride off deciding not to claim him. Aren't I kind? Haha.

Returning to my blog post title; Jessie missing phone case is solved. Meaning that I finally found her phone back!

Know where I found her phone? In our cupboard, inside a large zipped bag containing our washed bed sheets!

I managed to accidentally found it a few days back when Jessie asked me to keep our washed comforter. Amusingly, it came as a surprise for us...

Although this case is solved now, but it still remains a mystery as to how her phone got there!??

No, I did not accidentally kept her phone inside while I was keeping my washed bed sheets. It is impossible because the washed bed sheets were kept a few days BEFORE she lost her phone, and the bag of bed sheets were NEVER taken out ever since.

Jessie still suspect that I was the one who hid her phone there! But I swear I did NOT do it!

Really puzzled! How did her phone got there??
...But the mystery remains...


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