Monday, November 8, 2010

Elvis Kim Zu Rui / Jessie's missing phone

My Baby Elvis is already over 2 months old! He is growing up fast and noisy!
Why noisy? Because his cries are so brightly loud and deafening! A hungry baby is a angry baby. Fortunately, his cries sound alittle more cute now as he is starting to use his vocals rather than his throat to cry.

Anyway I was supposed to blog this post a week ago but was delayed because of Jessie's missing phone. We will get into this later...

Took this picture when he was exactly 2 months old...
Mm... He looks alittle like a 1 yr old baby in this picture!

Anyway I've been having very bad insomnias for the past couple of weeks! Even though I stayed awake for over 24 hours to actually make myself feel tired and sleepy, I still wasn't able to fall asleep! I was finally able to fall asleep after staying awake for 32 hours! And this happened for a couple of times within a week! I hate insomnia!!
Lancaster 365. Know what's that?

Lancaster 365 is a high-end facial-care product.

As being very conscious (at times paranoid) about having bad skin, Jessie spends a whole lotsa time washing her face everynight; she spends even longer time applying her facial care products; she avoids applying comestics; she regularly goes for facial treatments; she buys skin supplements and medications; she avoids walking near 'dirty' areas such as construction sites; and she has dozens of facial products at home! And this Lancaster 365 will be her latest facial product.

What's so special about it? Of course it is! It costs over $160 and it is only 50ml!
$160+ for a 50ml skin product? It better be worth it! LOL!
The Vitagen drink only contains 125ml... Go figure!

Now for the rest of the pictures...










Egg Tart!
Just a nice Portuguese Egg Tart that I had for breakfast some weeks back
My mother-in-law feeding Baby Elvis...
Sweet moment of Elvis and Jessie

Last week I had dinner with Jessie at Cafe Cartel Tampines Mall...







It's been sometime since I last ate in Cafe Cartel, so we decided to have our dinner there last week, and to be frank, it wasn't a very nice experience...

I should have known better! Just that night before, I came across this celebrity's blog, Silver Ang...

In case you are wondering who is Silver Ang, she was one of the contestants in the popular Channel U's Project Superstar Season One, and I think she made it to one of the top 5.

Anyway, in one of her blog posts, she wrote about her favorite top 5 Wanton Mee stalls in Singapore, and she also wrote about her 'wholesomely unpleasant experience' in... Yes you guessed it, Cafe Cartel @ Plaza Singapura.

She said the bad service provided already somehow ties in with the bad meal. She ordered a hot-plate sirloin steak, but her steak was not cook to her preferred doneness, and worst of all, her 'unsirloinly sirloin steak' was served on a bed of 5mm-thick burnt food (sticky)! Gross!

Obviously they never clean their crockery well, and I'm sure the Cafe Cartel branch in Plaza Singapura isn't the only one...

That evening, shortly after me and Jessie finished our food at Tampines Mall's Cafe Cartel, both of us got diarrhea, and it continued throughout the night...!!

It couldn't just be coincidence that both of us got diarrhea shortly after eating at Cafe Cartel! It's their food that caused it! Tsk.

More Baby Elvis's Photos...









When he is sleepy...





When he is angry...





When he is hungry...





Last Sunday, together with my family, we went for late breakfast at Orchard Centerpoint. We had Tim Sum. It was nice! My favourite dish was the 'Cold Crab', the restaurant's signature dish! The 'Cold Crab' dish is basically steamed crabs serve chilled!! Simple yet special... And of course, tasty.
Baby Kim Zu Rui
Jessie, Me, and Elvis
Sisters, Wife, and Son.

Like I was saying, I was actually going to blog this post last week but something happened... I have a case to solve...

What case?








Can you help me solve it?

Case: Jessie's phone that mysteriously went missing from her home!

Victim: Jessie

Suspects: Myself (Jessie suspects me) and ghost

Date: Last Wednesday (3rd of Nov)

Location: Home/Room

Time crime took place: Approx. 9 PM.

Approx. 8 PM - Me and Jessie just arrived home from our dinner.

Approx. 8.10 PM - Lying at the far end of my bed, I was playing games on my iPhone while lying on my back. I was really feeling so sleepy and tired that I decided to go sleep without taking a shower!

Approx. 8.15 PM - I dozed off while playing with my iPhone.

Approx. 8.30 PM - Jessie woke me up and asked me to sleep properly, so I got up and walked to the other side of the bed. When I was about to lie down, I saw Jessie's phone on the bed charging, so I picked up her phone and placed it on the dressing table before lying down on the bed.

Approx. 8.35 PM - I fell back to sleep while Jessie went to take her shower.

Approx. 9 PM - Jessie came back to the room. I was still sleeping when I heard Jessie shouting where is her phone. Her phone mysteriously went missing. I continued sleeping till the next day...

The next morning, we begin searching for her phone! How on earth did her phone mysteriously went missing??

From a small area around the dressing table to the rest of our room, then to the entire house we searched! I basically searched everything! I pulled my dressing table out to search, I dragged my bed out and searched underneath it, I lifted my mattress, stripped my pillow case... Etc!

From the possible places to even the impossible places I've looked! I searched the top of my two metre high wardrobe, toliets, washing machine, shoes rack, kitchen drawers, refrigerator... there are more to name!

After searching for the whole afternoon, we finally gave up. Her phone was like it had suddenly vanished!
Now you see...










...Now you don't!

I have no idea where her phone went. It just mysteriously vanished. Jessie blamed me for the lost of her phone because she said I was the last to touch... (I shifted her phone from the bed to the dressing table)

I have no other choice but to get a new phone for her.

I think the lost of her phone somehow brings better fortune to her, because the new phone she got was her so-called dream phone, Sony Ericsson Xperia 10.

She was like so excited and happy to get the Sony Ericsson's Xperia 10.
Mm... What I think about her new phone...?
Pretty but bad performance compared to iPhone.

In NTUC FairPrice
Went for a quick walk in NTUC Fairprice after buying phone

Anyway it has been almost a week since Jessie's phone mysteriously went missing, and we haven found it yet. Everyone tell us that her phone was lost at home, so how possibly is it that we couldn't find it? Well, I would like to know this answer myself too.

And the mystery remains...

- The End -


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