Thursday, April 15, 2010


Met a friend Wednesday night to Marina Square KBOX buffet.

How I knew this friend was through an unusual way, I hope doesn't mind me saying out on my blog...

If you do not know, a few years ago me and my friend, Kevin, was usually slacking throughout the night. One night we came out with a silly idea of video-ing ourselves doing lip syncing of a song, then I uploaded to YouTube.

Then, in next following month we occasionally video recorded more of these videos, and I uploaded to YouTube again. Below is one of the videos we took...

Yeah, I know it's silly, but really fun!

So a guy whose online name is 'Socade', watched my videos, supported them, and gave encouraging/positive comments on the videos.

Eventually, he added me on MSN and we chatted at times. He is almost 10 years senior my age, and engaged with his girlfriend then (now married).

In the following months later, we chatted occasionally in MSN and eventually exchanged our contact numbers. So from then on, we chatted on MSN and even SMS time to time, usually updating him on my new videos. And all that while we never chatted on phone nor meeting up.

It was almost a year later, we chatted on the topic of 4D, and so I gave him some 'lucky' numbers. Surprisely, he brough the 'lucky' numbers I gave, and he fortunately striked almost 4 times within a couple of months! Well, he didn't strike much, but adding up to at least a couple of grands.

He felt very grateful to me and asked me out for a treat to KBOX. And that was the first time meeting him. In the following months and year, we occasionally met up for KBOX... And now I have know him for almost 3 years.

Only recently, we chatted in MSN and he told me he is really glad to have know a friend like me. He then said he thanks the heavens and his wife for letting him met a friend like me.

Which actually struck me. Why do he need to thank his wife?

He then told me that he have always wanted to tell me this, but never had the correct moment to tell me. He asked me if I have ever found it strange as by why would he approach me to make friends.

Seriously, no. I'm happy to make friends.

He admitted that it was actually his wife (then girlfriend), was browsing through YouTube when she saw my videos and wanted to know me, but didn't know how. So she asked him to tried getting closer to me by starting from YouTube, then MSN, and eventually my mobile number.

What surprised me was that my friend actually did what his wife asked him to; slowly helping her to know me! My friend must be a very loving and trusting boyfriend/husband!

So almost a year later when we finally meet up to KBOX, his wife has already dropped the idea of wanting to know me, and left him alone to meet me half-heartedly...

That was how he 'unwillingly' got to know me, and in the end felt fortunated to know me instead. If his wife have not wanted to know me in the first place, he would have never meet me for the rest of his life. Well, I'm glad to know such a nice friend too. In fact, I treat him like an elder brother .

Ok, back to my post topic, I went KBOX with him last Thursday, and knowing that I will be marrying soon, he gave me a sabotage!

First one will be him squezing my cheeks tightly while he stuff foods into my mouth, then I will have to chew and swallow it with my cheeks still tightly squeezed! The foods he stuffed into my mouth are the foods I took from the KBOX buffet, 3 plates!

Doing that sabotage was extremely much difficult than I thought it would be! It was so tough and stressful, I took an hour to complete it! I didn't have any photos of these but my friend video it on his digital camera.

The second one was to press my cheeks while I sing. It was much easier than the first.

The saddest thing of all... I went home, checked my face while I bath... and saw 2 small scratch marks on my left cheek. I thought it would be gone when I wake up tomorrow... But it is still there!
Poor thing...

Hopefully it won't leave a scar when it is gone. I don't blame my friend too.


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