Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dead Cats Dream and Zombie Dream

I was planning to update my blog last week but I was quite busy.

I've seen the photos of my photo-shoot already and it wasn't as good as I've expected. :(

Out of 200 photos, I could choose 35 to be printed on the album and return to me in digital copies. Additional pieces would costs $75 per piece! Omg.

So together with Jessie, we slowly chose the 35 photos, a piece by a piece. Well, in fact 99% of the 35 photos was decided by Jessie...

After we are done with the selecting, we were allowed to take home a few pieces of the photographs as a complimentary from the bridal shop. And so, last night I decided to scanned a couple of them, and here it is...













Disappointed that the camera-man didn't took a wider view of the scenery
A gentle kiss...

Alright, continuing with the topic of my post...

I had a dream last week that 2 deadly Black Widow spiders sneaked into my house while I wasn't at home but both my cats were......

















I returned home shortly......

I got so upset when I discovered that both my cats were killed.

I furiously chased after the spiders for revenge! I will crush them with my bare hands despite knowing that just one bite from a Black Widow spider could kill me!

And so I avenged my cats' deaths.

Next in the dream, my Dad returned home, saw the dead cats, and I begged him to try and save them.

Fortunately, the cats were saved after my Dad used some vinegar to wash their deadly wounds... (I must let you know that using the vinegar to save my cats was just a random thought that popped up in my dream! I do not know if a vinegar could really save you from a Black Widow spider's bite!)

So after my cats were saved, they obtained some characteristic of a spider. Like springs were attached to their feets, both my cats begin bouncing whereever they went!

Alright, it turned out to be quite a happy and funny ending. I know it is very lame too, but dreams are lame!

There is another dream that I had recently, and it was adventurous. I dreamed that myself and a couple more people were the only survivors of a zombie-infested city! (I know you heard this story a dozen times.)

So, we were trying to stay alive with thousands of zombies chasing after us! To make it simple, it was like the popular zombie game, 'Left 4 Dead'...

I love the game! But you might be thinking that I played too much of it, therefore I had this dream... Wrong! The last time I played this game was almost half a year ago!

Continuing the dream, and so the zombies were trailing us whereever we went...

We were somehow chased into a large shopping complex.

It felt like one of the buildings in Chinatown!

They followed us whereever we went.

We thought there isn't any hope left...

But we were lucky! In the shopping complex,
we found a very small room with weapons!

We were able to defend ourselves now!

In the dream, the zombies are much harder to kill than in the game! Each zombies took almost 20 bullets to kill! But luckily the guns in my dreams is special because it can store five times more bullets than real-life one does!

So now we got the guns and we kept shooting the zombies.

Sometimes, we will get splitted individually during all the chaos...

But after a short while, we always found each other and will be regrouped again...

In my dream, I feel that I was the best
and most outstanding zombie-killer among the group! Haha.

Well, of course our overall teamwork was good too!

I remember in the dream, I even threw grenades and flash bangs at the zombie! Well, grenade and flash bangs are actually more related to the game, 'Counter-Strike'! But all I know was that I found grenades & flashbangs in my pockets, and so I used them...










One important thing about grenade is that
after pulling the ring out,
hold the grenade firmly, and throw it far away from you!

Anyway, I remembered we fight our way up to the until the shopping complex's rooftop, but I cannot remember what happens after that! And since I can't remember my dream, and it is getting really late, I shall abruptly end it now! Serious. :)

I know this post is lame. But I'm just trying to entertain, and also pasting my time.
Will update again!

So... Regarding that zombie dream, I really cannot remember what happened in the end...

Did we escaped in the end...?...









Or did we continue to fight the zombies...?...









Or did we actually got killed by the zombies!?









Actually, it didn't even had an ending because I woke up before this dream ends...


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