Friday, April 16, 2010

Picture Talk.

I just like to upload some random pictures that I took using my phone.
Although the pictures are very random, but recent.

First of all, I have been keeping the nails' of my little finger on my left hand. I couldn't remember how long I kept my little finger's nail, but I would say more than 2 months.

It is the longest nail I ever kept, but unfortuantely, yesterday it suddenly broke off.
Look! I took a picture of the nail!
Gross I know.

Last Tuesday I had dinner together with my parents at Hougoug Mall,

and we went to Soup Restaurant to eat.
Soup Restaurant's popular Hainanese's Chicken Rice. Must try it.
Seriously, I am hungry now.
Recent pictures of my older cat.

Last night went 'Novena Furniture and Furnishing' with my parents to look for a new bed set for me.

It was an headache!

When I think this bed set is nice, they don'really think so. When they think that bed set, I don't really think so. I like my wardrobe doors with big mirrors but because of superstitious beliefs,
I was not allowed to choose it...

I really like this design of this bed. Very Japanese-style. Notice the edge.
This is nice too.
This is alright.
Almost the same...
Don't really like this.

After an hour, I finally made my choice.

To choose furnitures, most importantly is to worth the value and is durable,
unlike Ikea, pretty to look but undurable.

Choosed this.

To be honest, I would liked this is because of the huge mirrors on the wardrobe which I was forced to change. And so I requested the pushy salesman to change the mirrors to a white color.

When I got home, I did some measurings of my room and
found out that the bed set we choosed wasn't able to fit into my room nicely!
Therefore I will have to go back in the afternoon and look for other designs!

Later at home...










Guess what the hell my younger sis is doing??
Oh she is playing Nintendo Wii Fit.
Trying to keep her balance...

That's all!


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