Monday, October 19, 2009

Insomnia is seriously driving me crazy!!!

Fuck! Fucking insomnia!!!
I'm going crazy!!!
Why the hell I can't fall asleep??
I keep having this fucking insomnia for the past few nights!

I'm supposed to be very very sleepy now because I've been awake for... I can't remember... 48 hours???

I've been lying on my bed for almost 3 hours and I can't fall asleep!
The feeling is very frustrating and complicated.

This is how frustrating the feeling is for these past few nights of insomnia...
Ok Imagine you walking on a very strange Quicksand.

Sinking slowly into the quicksand = Slowly falling into sleep.
Sinking totally into the quicksand = Fell asleep.
Walking on it = Awake.

I'm seriously hoping I could sink into it as fast as possible.
But this is a very strange quicksand... because I could walk on it!
While walking on it, sometimes It'll start slowly sinking me.
But just when I sinked almost to my neck level, my body just suddenly... *POOF* Standing right back on top of the quicksand again!

So I continue walking again and hoping the quicksand will start sinking me again.
Then after sometime... usually 10 mins later, the quicksand will start slowly sinking me again...
Then just when I sanked to about my neck level... *POOF* The same thing happened again!!!
I am standing right back on top of it again.... FUCK.

Sometimes I can walk on the quicksand for up to an hour without it even sinking me by an inch!!!

Sometimes, I will sink up to my neck level and the *POOF* thingy never happen!
But! I will just stuck there... At my neck.
And it will stay for sometimes. Of course I will rather hope I'll staying at my neck level rather than *POOF-ING* back up again.
So I will struggle to keep myself staying there... And of course... the *POOF* thing will happen again!

FUCK! I think I'm going mad... I'm reading this post and I think it's a crazy post already.
And what is more frustrating is I am working at 7.30 am!

Is something wrong with me???
My body is feeling so shagged now... But my brain is half-dead yet active...
Fuck! I don't even know what I'm talking!

Sigh... After blogging this, I will as usual go smoke before heading for bed....
Please please please... Let me fall asleep if not it's too late... I'm working at 7.30am!!!


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