Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Crazy Nights

Yes... I was driven crazy by insomnia at those few nights.
Reading back on my last post... I do sounds quite crazy... What the hell am I posting?

Anyway last night I managed to slept 2 hours before going for work.
Boy I was feeling super tired & sleepy and how unlucky I was that today was the busiest day in work so far!

Just a few days back, I started to read a new novel by that best-selling author... Dan Brown!
In case you didn't know, Dan Brown was the author of the very famous The Da Vinci Code.

I've read 2 book by him, the first was Angels & Demons and the second one was The Da Vinci Code... Years before both these movies came out.
Both these stories are superb! Both a super thrilling blockbuster perfection!
Trust me, the novel version of these 2 stories are better than the movie version.

Forgotten to mention the title of the new book I've been reading.
It's The Lost Symbols.
It's a big book with 509 pages!!!

I've been reading for the past few nights now, spending almost a total of 4 hours...
And I'm only at one-third of the book!

How's the story so far? Very good.
Omg... Seriously Dan Brown should work for Hollywood!
He truly is a king of thriller

The Da Vinci Code (Cover)

Angels & Demons

And the latest novel by Dan Brown...

And oh yes... Recently just got my hair cut... But so sad.
Why? It's obvious. The reasons are always because the person cut wrongly, badly, over-cut...
Sigh... Wait one month for it to grow back ba.

Good night.


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