Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Kudos to the Midway Theater for the clever way it is promoting the film "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark." Check it out for yourself - after dark of course. My camera didn't do it justice as you can see by my photo, but you can just make out that the theater's marquee is dark only around the name of this movie.

Their clever little trick got me interested in this movie so I took a peak at the trailer. And it is kinda creepy... see for yourself... Enjoy!'

By the way, why do they always stay in these houses so long? I freak out when the ceiling fan goes on by itself. For me, at the first disembodied voice telling me to GET THE #$#!! OUT!! of the house, I'm gone! I learned that tip back in the 70s when I saw The Amityville Horror. Oh, you didn't see that one? Let me refresh your memory then.


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