Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Miss My Cat

My cat, Ah Huay, is my family cat that has already passed away.

I stumbled upon some old pictures of her a few days ago and started missing her.
Ah Huay with Liu Tong behind her

The saddest thing is not that she passed away - She has lived quite an average lifespan of a cat, though I think she might be able to live longer if we had discovered her sickness earlier - but it is that Liu Tong's best friend is no longer around. I know that I did mentioned about this in my past post 'Tribute to my pet cat', but still I'm gonna repeat some of them again.
Ah Huay & Liu Tong

It's been almost 8 months since Ah Huay left us and everyone expect Liu Tong is not used to it. Well, actually I think got to admit that maybe I'm not that used to it too...

You see, while Ah Huay was still around, she loves to sit by the window ledge everyday & night and watches the world goes by - She has a collar with a bell around her neck, and so each time she fidgets I could hear her bell tinkles.
She loves to sit by the window ledge and watches the world goes by...

A couple of months after she passed away, somebody from my family bought
a paper windmill with bells and stick it on the window...
A paper windmill with bells...

And so every now and then, especially in the middle of the night, when the gentle breeze blows, the soft twinkling bells of the paper windmill made me thought she was around... But of course, almost immediately, I realized that it wasn't her bell but the paper windmill's... :(

The one I feel sorry for the most would be Liu Tong. Ah Huay has been Liu Tong's best friend ever since they met on day 1.
Liu Tong was still a cute tiny kitty when they became friends.
Liu Tong when he was still a kitten
Isn't he cute...?

Although Ah Huay and Liu Tong were best friends, I could see that Ah Huay was often irritated by Liu Tong. But still, I could see that Ah Huay took care of Liu Tong, plays with him, have their meals together, rest together... Just like what best friends are for.
Cat fights...
Playing with each other...
Have their meals together...
Resting side by side together...
Just enjoying having each others company

Sadly, one afternoon, we placed Ah Huay in a cage and brought him to a pet clinic and that was the last time Liu Tong ever got to see his best friend. Ah Huay passed away in the pet clinic while under observation.

Ever since, Liu Tong has never really been the same again. It is obvious that he is missing Ah Huay deeply. He lies alone in a dark corner of the house; he wails for someone to play with every night; he spend long moments sitting by the window ledge as if waiting for somebody; and he eats & sleeps alone now...

I'm feeling really sorry for Liu Tong for he
will never get to know that his best friend is never coming back home.
He will never ever get to play with his best friend again.

After Ah Huay passed on, we had her body cremated and have her ashes sent back to us. We then bought a plant and had her ashes buried inside the pot of soil...
Ah Huay's final resting place...
Rest in peace.

8 months after Ah Huay's death, Liu Tong is still waiting for his best friend to come back. I know he will probably never stop waiting for his best friend to come home until he finds closure, which in this case, sadly, he never will...

- End -


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