Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Don't Forget to Vote!

Remember, today is the special vote to determine who will take over Anthony Weiner's congressional seat. Be sure to cast your vote for Democrat David Weprin! If you don't love Weprin, at least you'll be voting against the radical Bob Turner! Just what we need, more Bush-era policies to make our economy even worse! Vote for Turner and I predict if you think things are bad today, just wait. Check back on this blog in a couple of years from now. You think things are bad today? More of the Bush-era policies of supporting only the interests of the super rich over the rest of us. My God, these people even had the audacity to try to harm our entire nation by refusing to raise the debt ceiling, all in an attempt to score political points against Obama! Treason if I have ever seen it!

Vote for Bob Turner and I predict your head will be spinning in a couple of years things will be so bad here. You read it here first! :)


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