Thursday, July 21, 2011

Conspiracy Theories

Who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory?? Not me at least! But I am sure there are more.

Throughout the past couple of years, I have spent countless of hours on the internet searching and reading about conspiracy theories. There are hundreds of conspiracy theories in the world.

Actually, I think that as long as that event or person is out of the ordinary, a conspiracy theory will soon to be bound with it. I will list a few for examples:

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
The 35th President of the United Sates.
JFK was assassinated on this car.

Princess Diana’s Fatal Accident
Princess Diana died on 31st August 1997

The illuminati/New World Order
A New World Order!

Just a very quick foreword on the illuminati; the illuminati is a super secret organization and that all of its members are of generally rich & powerful people. Its objective is to control the world… A New World Order. I know, this story almost sounded like it was taken straight out of a block-buster movie.

Rumours said that the illuminati is already controlling the music and film industries, and some of its famous members are Jay-Z, Kanye West, Rihanna, Eminem, Lady Ga Ga, George W. Bush and even Leonardo Da Vinci! (Ever watched ‘The Da Vinci Code’??)

Today, I would like to share 2 of my favourite, and possibly the biggest conspiracy theories of the century…

September 11th 2001

The 9/11 event must the biggest and presumably the worst terrorist attack that was ever recorded in history. September 11th 2001.

I remember that earlier that night I was having dinner with a friend, and after the dinner I walked home.

Midway back home, my dad called and asked me where I was. And before he hanged up the phone, he told me, “Quickly come home! There’s gonna be a war soon!” Ok, I know it sounds lame.

I was very puzzled by what my dad said. It was until I arrived home and saw the breaking news on television then I realised what my dad meant.

Anyway the conspiracy theory for 9/11 is that it was an inside job; most possibly planned by the US government; or the US government knew about this attack before-hand but still purposefully allowed it to happen anyway! And the reasons? It is difficult for me to explain all in words, the best is for you to go YouTube and do a search on it. But still, I will briefly list some the reasons out…

First of all, the building is old and useless. Comparing with the other lively office buildings in New York, where people are spawning in and out of them, the World Trade Center stands there pretty much like a twin white elephants.

The attacks would receive public support for militarization, expansion of the police state, and other foreign and domestic policies by which the US government will benefit.

It is for an even better reason for the USA to invade Afghanistan first, and then to Iraq.

Not surprisingly, USA has the best Air Force and the most closely guarded air-space in the world.

Like a few majestic eagles soaring high above the skies, they fiercely watch over their territory 24/7 and always ready to strike. But on that morning of September 11, the air-defenses over the world’s most closely guarded air-space was oddly inactive.

And so it happened.

Theoretically, there are so much more evidences that strongly suggested 9/11 was an inside job. Just do a Google or YouTube.

Lastly, if you think this conspiracy theory of 9/11 is bullshit then you better be right, because at least 30% of Americans themselves believed that 9/11 was an inside job too! Go think about it…

Alright, this next conspiracy will blow you away! Why? Because this conspiracy is not only one of the biggest conspiracy theories of the century, I think it is undeniably the biggest and greatest conspiracy from modern mankind!

Moon Landing

Everyone knows that we have gone to the moon and back.

On July 20, 1969, USA’s Apollo 11 landed on the moon, and Neil Armstrong became first man to ever set foot on the surface of the moon.
Apollo 11’s crew with Neil Armstrong (left) as the commander.

Now the question is… Have we really ever been to the moon?

It was a hoax. We have never been to the moon, it was staged. Well, at least this is what the conspiracy is all about.

Once again, it will be very difficult for me to explain this conspiracy theory here, and so I would urge you do a Google or YouTube on this. But still, I’ll briefly explain about it…

The moon landing was viewed Live by millions all over the USA, but some people think that it looks fake, like it was staged at a professional studio or something like that. And later, after the photos of the moon landing were released, even more people suggested that the moon landing was a hoax. They saw that there were glitches on the video and photos.

Take a look at this picture…

The above picture has been one of the most debated moon landing pictures. In the picture, the astronaut is behind the shadow of the spaceship but why is the astronaut still so clearly visible? Even the ladder of the spaceship is visible. Unless there were other light source (presumably the studio lightnings), the astronaut should appear much darker than how the picture was.
This is how it should look like.

This is just one out of the hundreds from the conspiracy.

Anyway I guess that everyone is much interested in why. Why would NASA & the US government pull off such a ridiculous stunt?? The moon landing took place during an era where there were two world superpowers, the USA and the Soviet Union (now known as Russia), and these 2 world superpowers were competing for technological superiority.

In the space race, Russia was already far ahead of the USA by sending the first man, Yuri Gagarin, to space on 12th April 1961. The US knows that they are losing the space race to Russia, and therefore did the hoax, to win the race and send a message to Russia that the United States had the better technology.

It might be for the money too, from the funds for the space programme. It was so much cheaper to fake a moon landing than actually going there.

Go do a Google because there are so much more photographic evidences to debate whether if the moon landings were a hoax.
C? A prop?

Well, that’s about all.

Silly enough, rather than 0%, I actually believed 25% of these conspiracy theories! As for you, it is up to you to believe it or not. But one thing is for sure, conspiracy theories are interesting!
”One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” – Neil Armstrong

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