Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Boring Month

Really sorry. I know that all my recent posts sucks! All the posts, except the boring one about my In-Camp-Training, are about movies and movies. Please bear with it (my lousy movie reviews).

I haven been going out for the recent months. If you are someone who has read my blog for a long period of time, you will notice that I have been taking so much less photos. Although I have been frequently posting random pictures of my son, but still, it will be rare to find any of those pictures with me in it!

It has really been too long, so I guess I'll better start taking more pictures of myself together with friends & family.

Anyway today's post... *ahem* ...Is also about reviews on movies again!!

For the past 2 weeks, I've watched dozen of movies via online! And these are the ones that left an impression on me... Oh by the way I gave my appraisal of movies this way:


And now, the first movie review of the post! Definitely from one of my favourite movie genre...

Flags of our fathers (2006)

My personal ratings for this movie:


Shortly after I got enlisted into national service into the 11th Mono-intake of the First Singapore Infantry Battalion, and I started to have a interest on war movies. Why is it so? Very simple. Because as I've been through dozens of military trainings & exercises with countless of field-camps that everyone dreads. And therefore I can somehow relate it to most of the war movies.

I've watched dozens and dozens of war movies. Name all the big war movies and I can certainly be just that I have watched it all... Until this movie 'Flags of the fathers'.

How in the world did I skipped out this movie all these months?

Actually I guess I know why did I missed out this movie. It was because, like I've mentioned, I've watched dozens and dozens of big war movie, and since 'Flag of our fathers' was a big war movie, I thought I've already watched it.

Anyway, Flag of our fathers is so good. One of the best and most epic war movie I've seen! The main story is about the USA fighting with the Japanese at the Battle of 'Iwo Jima'

Letter from Iwo Jima (2008)

My personal ratings for this movie:


You know there a few common things between these 2 movie, 'Flag of our Fathers' & 'Letters from Iwo Jima' ?

That is they were directed by the sane director, shot at the same location, same year, and fought the same 'Battle of Iwo Jima'. In fact, Flags of our Fathers was based the American viewpoint, and Letter of Iwo Jima is based of the perspective of the Japanese soldiers

Both of these 2 movies are awesome but if you were to ask me to make a choice between these 2 movies, it will really be difficult for me to decide, because each movies has their notability. For examples, though 'Flags of our fathers' have frequent 'slow talking' scene but whereby they have better and epic war scenes. Likewise, 'Letter from Iwo Jima' doesn't have much of those 'memory-flashing-back-moments' that makes movie slow & boring..

Almost all war movies are emotional. Unlike 'Letter from Iwo Jima', 'Flag of your father's pushed it to the back from inspiration. Whereby 'Letters from Iwo Jima' dispersed their emotional scenes throughout the movie.

We always thought that the Japanese soldiers from the WW2 are evil and heartless but brave & fiercely-loyal to their Empire of Japan. They will rather commit suicide than to surrender, and in the final-resort, they will rather perish together with their enemies! (Like the infamous Kamikaze pilots)

But hey, after watching 'Letters from Iwo Jima', it portraits the personality of a few Japanese fighting in the war. Some of them are just like us, afraid of war, afraid of dying, and might even afraid of risking their lives for fight their own country! During the war, it is a serious offenses (to all militias and even civilians) to even habour the thought of treason!

Well, I just want to say... There will be some, but probably not alot, who have no other choices than to reluctantly joined the war and just pray hate that he will return home safely.

Ok, enough said of these war movies. Next...

Source Code (2011)

I personally give a ratings at:


You know... 'Source Code' is a pretty interesting movie filled with exciting thriller. This movie is really good. Those who haven seen, I strongly encourage you to watch it.

Mm... I don't how am I gonna talk about this movie without giving out any spoilers... Alright... I will just put it this way. Listen...

The center of the story lies around a man who is almost-as-good-as-dead. By a high tech top secret military facility, he was virtually sent back to a event that has actually already happened earlier than day - a fatal bombing attack on the subway train. Here's the fun but yet the same time tricky, that is each time the man is being sent back, he only have exactly 8 mins to investigate before return back the the
reality time again...

Confusing huh? HA!

This next movie is the latest movie I've caught at the cinema...

Transformers: Dark Of the Moon (2011)

My personal ratings for this movie:


I'm certain this movie needs no introduces. In just one week of it debut, 'Transformers 3' got the highest grossing film in the Unit State, Singapore and other countries! In the world ranking, 'Transformers 3' gotten the 3rd highest-grossing movie of all time!!

Intense-actions and superb CGI effects... Damn it! If only I've knew this movie is that great, I would have watched the 3-D version of instead!

Oh yeah. I was wondering if they have karate classes back at Cybetron?

The Lost Bladesman (2011)

My personal ratings for the movie is:

How could I do a post with all movies only from Hollywood? Asian produces very good movies too! But in terms of CGI effects, epic scenes, notable events and the massive scale of productions.

Hollywood do have a few of it's flawlessness too. When it comes to free-hands combats or fighting scenes, there are sure to be explosions, knuckle-pumping, glass smashes everywhere on the floor, and I could still continue on..

Now when you talk about directing a fighting scenes, no one does it better than Asia film industry. You will know what I mean. Asian's fight scenes are mush faster, acrobatically swifter, and very well choreographed.

Oh yah, I kept talking and talking until I almost forgotten about the last movie by Donnie Yen. You know must heard the famous the story 'Romance of the 3 Kingdoms'. And Donnie Yen plays as one of the most recognizable, mightiest, famous & significance general. Guan Yu.

What I like about this movie is Cao Cao (is known as the warlord who is evil & greedy throughout everyone read novel). But in this movie, it portrayed the softer side of Cao Cao; it immediately made Cao Cao seems like a nice guy. I think this is actually who Cao Cao is instead of those evil-final-boss-stage character.



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