Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Movies Review

Within the past weeks, I've watched a few movies via online.

You know I've been quite desperate in looking for a good movie to watch online! I've watched tons of movies online and I'm starting to feel that there are no more good movies for me to watch as I have already watched most of them!

Then I came across this movie 'Repo Men' starring Jude Law. The ratings given were considered average, but through my experience I've learned that even high ratings does not necessary mean that I will enjoy the movie. As you know, different people likes different type of movies...

'Repo Men' is a sci-fi action thriller movie, and so I clicked on and watched it anyway.

It turned out to be quite a interesting movie!

Repo Men (2010)

My personal ratings for this movie: 4 out of 5 stars

The story is set in the future, where a company called 'The Union' has the medical technology breakthrough of create artificial organs. 'The Union' sells the highly expensive artificial organs, by an instalment plan, to whoever that needs it. The dark side of this company is that if you don't pay your bill, The Union sends its highly skilled 'Repo men' to take back its property... With no concern for your comfort or survival.

Jude Law play as one of the 'Repo men'. When he suffers a cardiac failure on the job, he awakens to find himself fitted with the company's top-of-the-line heart-replacement... As well as a hefty debt. And now that the hunter has become the hunted...

An really interesting futuristic story! Artificial organs... This might just be true in the future. And oh, I really hopes the 'Dream Machine' from the movie will be available in the future. It is a machine that can hook up with someone in a vegetative state, and the machine will manipulate your mind. The person wouldn't even know that they were in that situation. They would be very happy thinking that they were alive and living their life like any other person. It will really be good to use it on your loved ones that are brain-dead. To keep your loved ones happy.

Next movie I watched, also starring Jude Law, 'Enemy at the Gates'. The ratings were high and so I thought it was going to be a very promising war movie! But I was disappointingly wrong...

Enemy at the Gates. (2001)

My personal ratings for this movie: 2.5 out of 5 stars

This movie turned out to be slow. Action scenes were sparse and dull. And lastly, the way the move was shot and especially the soundtracks made this movie feels like it was made in the sixties!

Anyway the is story is set in the WWII with the Russia fighting with Germany. And if Russia' state of Stalingrad were to fall to the Germans, it will mean the collapse of the whole country. Jude Law plays as a Russian sniper who soon gains fame after killing a record number of German officers causing the Germans to bring in their own sniper expert: Major Koenig, an expert German sniper who is determined to eliminate his formidable opponent by any means...

Lastly, the latest movie I watched online was 'The Adjustment Bureau' starring Matt Damon. I have been wanting to watch this movie after since I saw the thriller in the cinemas last year, but just didn't manage to watch it, and eventually forgotten about it... Until a few nights back. The title caught my attention while I was glancing through a huge library of movies online.

My personal ratings for this movie: 5 out of 5 stars

This is one of the most interesting movies that I've seen this year!

What is it about this movie? Just try to imagine angels-meets-the-FBI. Yeah, it's something like that.

The Adjustment Bureau is a bureau of men who control people's plans and fate to make sure they stay "on track".

The story is about David Norris (Matt Damon), a man with a promising political career, who falls for a lady after a chanced meeting. But David find himself against the bureau that bent on keeping them apart...

Great performances by Matt Damon! Really interesting story!


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