Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Back from ICT (In-Camp-Training)

I am back from my annual In-Camp-Training last week. It was only for 2 weeks but it felt like a month!

One my first day of ICT, I noticed that most of my camp-mates are already wearing the new SAF pixel-camouflaged uniform!

I deferred my last year's ICT and therefore I didn't know that SAF actually require us to change our old uniform to the new one! Everyone of us were entitled to 3 pieces of the pixel-camouflaged uniform for free... I got mine already. But still, I don't think I am ever going to wear it. I still have my old ones with me and I will try my best to use them as long as I could for the rest of my future ICTs.

Me and a few of my camp-mates thinks that this ICT felt like a 2 weeks chalet under house-arrest. Sleep and eat, Eat and sleep.
Talking cock
Chicken Chop from the Specialist's Mess
...Ok that's me.

There's a swimming pool inside the camp, so I did went swimming on one of the afternoons. Believe it or not, it has been years since I last went swimming!!

I swam for 3 and a half hour straight! My palms went terribly wrinkled...
3.5 hours of swimming...

Next, introducing one of my camp-mates...









Mr Leow Chin Yong!
He is dangerous...
Notice the killer's look in his eyes...

Well, I know... Camera phones isn't allowed to be brought into army camps, and what's more, I am having my In-Camp-Training. But I'm not the only one doing it. Everyone else are doing it too! And most importantly, I didn't took pictures of anything confidential.

Anyway, I initially felt very reluctant to go for this ICT. But upon arriving there and seeing some of my ex-camp mates, it made me felt better and even a little excited. Especially William Lau.

William Lau was sort of like a buddy during my NS active time. On the second year of my NS, I got transferred to be a combat storeman for my company and William joined me shortly. And for a long period, both of us were the only storemen for our company, we were like a tag-team.

Talking about my NS, I was actually a rifleman during the first year of my NS! And I did complete the rifleman course within that 1 year.

Of course, other than the basic weapons like M16 and Sar21, I was also trained with a Law as I was a 'Law Gunner'...

Next, my Platoon Sargent decided that he have enough Law gunners and therefore changed my position into a 'M203' gunner...
Basically, it is just an M16 rifle attached with a grenade-launcher

Then, I was transferred to another platoon to take up the position of a men who has downgraded his PES status... A sharpshooter.
It is basically an M16 rifle with a scope attached on the top

It was this 'M16-with-scope' that I was using when our Marksmanship test started, and after 3 days 2 nights of this Marksmanship test, I passed with good results and was honored as a marksman. I think I should share about what happened during my Marksmanship test on some other time.

Anyway, to get a marksman was much harder than everyone thought so! Out of the 90 people in my entire company, only 3 person got the marksman! Therefore I feel that I am really lucky.
SAF Marksman badge

On the last night of my In-Camp-Training was the best. I chatted with William Lau throughout the night, from 12AM to 7AM!!

William Lau was and still is the typical ah beng of Singapore! You remember the ah bengs from the 90's? Center-parting, long wallet, sharp comb, button shirt, bell bottom... Yes he still dresses like this!!
The corner that we spend most of the night chatting throughout

Alright, enough of my army stuffs. It's time for some random photos...
Jessie feeding Elvis
It's Tavier behind
Jerlin feeding Tavier
Jessie got her White iPhone 4 last Sunday
Elvis Kim

Good Night~


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