Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Apple VS Microsoft


Just watched a 1999 movie via online called 'Pirates of Silicon Valley'...

Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) kimjunhong.blogspot.com

I personally give a ratings of: 7 out of 10 stars

Like I've said, I just watched this movie via online, and all of a sudden I got a urge to blog about it somehow...

This movie is a semi-humorous documentary, based on the true stories about the men (mainly Steve Jobs & Bill Gates), who made the world of technology of what it is today. Their struggles during college, the founding of their companies, and the ingenious actions they took to build up the global corporate empires of Apple Computer Corporation and Microsoft Inc.

It is amazing just to even realize that these men created history! They are the ones who changed how the world thinks and communicates today! They created a dent in the universe!

The story of this movie is set between the 70s' to the 90s'; jump cutting through key moments in time for the 2 computer companies.

It is admirable to know that how Microsoft, at that time (early 80s'), was just a really SMALL company with a very SMALL office, and Apple's computer company was already 50 times larger than Microsoft! But within a decade, Microsoft quickly overtook Apple as the leader in the IT industry! Wow. It is just like a local unknown TV station over taking Mediacorp as the leading TV broadcaster in Singapore!

Apple amazed me too! In the movie, before Apple was successfully established, Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple) quoted the status of computer company, IBM, the 'Pentagon of the IT industry'! But still, Apple amazingly got ahead of IBM shortly after establishing itself!

The movie ended by subtitling that 'Microsoft now owns part of Apple Computer Corporation' and 'Bill Gates is currently the richest man in the world'. But of course that was in the 90s' (this movie was made in the 90s'), because Microsoft couldn't possibly own part of Apple now, and Bill Gates is NO longer the richest man in the world.

You know, I read from an online article that Apple nearly went bankrupt once! But Bill Gates helped Apple to clear the debts, but it did not stated why.

I feel that it is fascinating; the rise and fall of Apple Computer Corporation. No wait! Apple rise, then fell, and then RISES again! That's right, everyone knows that Apple dominates the IT industry today.

Yes, in the recent years, Apple has raised up and became the world's largest technology company - knocking software giant Microsoft off the top spot!

Just take a look at the iPhone for example, you can see everyone using it. And not to forget the recently-released iPad - the only tablet PC that got everyone talking about.

Apple's rise as the leading technology company is to no luck at all. It was all because of their hard-work of creating new products, powerful brandings and cool appealing designs that have all worked well - who doesn't recognize an Apple product upon seeing one??

Actually, Microsoft only have to serve themselves right for losing the top spot - Frankly speaking, in the recent years, I feel that Microsoft have really been slow on it's progress, whereby Apple has been periodically producing potential products such as Macbook, Macbook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 and iPad.

kimjunhong.blogspot.com Macbook Pro

kimjunhong.blogspot.com Macbook Air

Steve Jobs with a Macbook Air

kimjunhong.blogspot.com iMac

iPhone 3GS

kimjunhong.blogspot.com Steve Jobs with an iPhone 3GS

iPhone 4

Steve Jobs with an iPhone 4

kimjunhong.blogspot.com iPad (this name actually offended many women!)

Steve Jobs with an iPad

Apple is just so cool!

Of course it ain't surprising that even though I frequently do designing, but still, I uses Windows instead of a Mac. And if you didn't realize, actually ALL professional designers uses a Mac! But firstly I am not a professional, and afterall, I'm so used Windows (I ever try tried using a Mac OS and it is frustrating!)

Alright now, as usual, I will abruptly end my post.

kimjunhong.blogspot.com MicroApple! *just kidding!*

Oh! P.S: If the story of the 'Pirates of Silicon Valley' movie is really accurate, then I can't help but to say that Bill Gates is one sneaky little bastard!


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