Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lorry driver dies after hitting road divider and old lady

If you are a regular reader of, you have probably read or saw this topic earlier already; lorry driver dies after crashing into road divider.

Well, actually I was at the scene that morning. It happened along Pasir Ris Drive 6. I was in my mother-in-law's place that time, peacefully using my laptop when suddenly I heard a loud screeching and crashing noises lasting for almost 5 seconds! Then followed by a woman screaming for help.

I immediately went to the windows to take a look but couldn't see anything. So I went downstairs to check, and that is when I saw the scene...

A video clip that I took

As you can see from the pictures, it was an traffic accident; involving a lorry and a old lady. It seemed like the lorry somehow lost control, crashed and glided along the road dividers before mounting onto the sidewalk and hitting an old lady.

Surely, like most of the by-standers there, I was wondering if the old lady is alright; how in the world did the driver drove; and where the hell is the driver by the way??

The driver's seat looked empty. I guessed the driver must have gotten down already and is probably standing among the small handful of by-standers.

5 minutes later, the paramedics and the SCDF arrived. A couple of them helped the old lady into the ambulance while another small team check on the lorry, and when they opened the lorry door, I was shock to see that the driver was actually lying inside the driver's seat and covered with blood!! Omg, the driver was actually inside the vehicle all the while!

It made me wondered that before the SCDF arrive, does any of the by-standers even knew that the driver was still lying inside and bleeding badly? Because from the moment I arrvied at the scene, I see no one even trying to take a look into the vehicle!

Anyway, from where the driver is lying, the paramedics begin resuscitating him. I couldn't see the driver's face clearly, but he looked like a big-sized indian foreign worker to me.

SCDF trying to resuscitate the driver

Awhile later, the paramedics stopped resuscitating the driver; they covered him up with a blue cloth, then begin packing up their equipments and left.

The driver has died.

By this time, the small handful of by-standers had grew into a small crowd. I could over heard some of them saying, "the driver is dead"; "why he will die?". Myself was also puzzled as to how and why did the driver died?
Cracks on the lower left corner of the windscreen

Soon, the police were on their way doing an investigation on this fatal accident.

Jessie's uncle were together with me at the scene and he asked me, "Why isn't there any reporters?"

I replied him,
"Of course there wouldn't be any reporters unless someone were to call up the press."

Actually if you have noticed well enough, I was the one who contributed this 'Lorry driver dies after hitting road divider' story onto Stomp. I feel like I'm beginning to become a busy-body uncle! What the hell, I even called up Lian He Wan Bao to report on this accident!! And 30 minutes after I reported to Lian He Wan Bao, a small team of reporters appeared scattered around the scene.

Oh! Speaking of Stomp, they are really efficient! 5 minutes after I sent this story to Stomp via online, someone from Stomp actually called me up and asked for more details on it! Then just 10 minutes later, the story is up on Stomp!!

While the police were investigating, I snapped a few more pictures...

If you noticed the pictures,
you might be wondering why did the police looked under the lorry...

...That is because pinned under the lorry is a fire hydrant!

The lorry seems to have crushed the fire hydrant underneath it, but somehow, the fire hydrant didn't explode with gushing water!! By the way, the PUB later arrived onto the scene.

Reading 'The Straits Times' online just now, it is said that yesterday's accident happened because the driver, a Malay man in his late twenties, suffered an heart attack while driving. The elderly woman, a pedestrian, was conscious when she was taken to Changi General Hospital with hip and leg injuries while the driver was pronounced dead at about 9.20am.

May the deceased driver rest in peace.


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