Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Movies and more movies

Over the past week, I've been watching tons of movies online!
I've also caught a few of the latest movies in cinemas.
I was the very first to arrived into the cinema hall!

Also, last week Jessie was admitted to KK hospital because of giddiness and pain in her stomach.

She stayed in the hospital 2 nights for observations, and I was there to accompany her. I was bored... ...Very bored!
Jessie is camera-shy...
Ouch! It looks painful!

It is super boring in the hospital. What's worst was that everytime I need a smoke, I will have to walk all the way outside and to the far end of the hospital just for it! Very tiring and inconvenient!

When Jessie was discharged, she recieved a whole bunch of a certain medicine!

I've never recieved nor seen someone recieve this much quantity of a medicine!

Ok, now for the recent movies I've watched in cinemas...










I personally give a ratings of : 8 out of 10

A very complex but smart story. Honestly, I didn't really understood 100% of the story.

And why is that all of the recent movies that Leonardo Di Caprio's starred in is so mind-boggling? First, Shutter Island, and now, Inception!

After watching movies like these will keep you discussing about it. Thumbs up!

Another recent movie I've watched...









The Crazies

I personally give a ratings of : 8 out of 10

I must say that this movie was better than I've expected!
Didn't felt bore watching it at all, not even at the beginning where they usually introduce the main character by showing him going about his life... talking with friends or family... etc...

You can somehow classified this movie under the 'Zombies' catergory.








Old Cow vs Tender Grass

I personally give a ratings of : 5 out of 10

A local movie. As usual, all the Singapore-ish lame jokes, what else do I have to say?

One thing interests me is that the female actress. Haha. A Taiwanese. She was from the very popular chinese singing competition in Taiwan, 'One Million Star' aka 'Chao Ji Xin Guang Da Dao', I think she was from the 3 season. Cute face, nice voice!

And now, some movies that I've watched online...










I personally give a ratings of : 9 out of 10

As far as I can remember now, this must be the best animation I've watched in recent years! It makes you laugh and it makes you cry. I've never watched an animation that almost brought tears to my eyes.

Next movie...







The Great Raid

I personally give a ratings of : 8.5 out of 10

Very nice movie, it was based on a true story!

The story is set in the World War 2. I've always loved WW2 movies!


I personally give a ratings of : 4 out of 10

At first I thought this movie was going to be some kind of exciting military personnels VS zombies movie... I was wrong.

Yes there are military personnels and the 'bad guys' that looked just like zombies, but they are actually just some German ghost soldiers that cannot be killed... What's the point of watching some military personnels shooting zombie-look-alike ghosts with their rifles?

The scenario and the plot is perfect until I realised that it is ghosts that they will be handling with... The director should have just let them be zombies instead of ghost then it will be a nice movie.

John Q

I personally give a ratings of : 8 out of 10

Story about a father who couldn't afford the money for his sick son, hijacked the hospital in demand for his sick son's name to be up on the donor's list...

A touching and inspiring movie.

And lastly...







Green Zone

I personally give a rating of : 9 out of 10

I've watched dozen of movies about war... WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, Korea War... etc... But this is the first movie I watched that is set on the Iraq War!

Very cleverly written story. Since the movie is based on a war that is from our time, I highly recommend to watch it.

That's about all for now...

Oh yah, before I sign out, here's a video I've seens from Youtube and I would like to share...

This video must be one of the funniest video I've ever watched on Youtube! A boxer was KO but he continues punching after he was KO! LOL. I think he suffered from a brain damage.

That is what I call fighting spirit...


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