Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Like my previous post has said, I sold my bike. I've been riding a bike for almost 5 years, and suddenly without a personal transport would definitely make me feel uneasy. But luckily, so far so good, the 'uneasiness' haven really striked me yet.


You might have just guessed it correctly, the above picture is my first bike, Honda NSR 150, much popularly known as Honda SP.

As you can see from the picture, I still have my P-Plate on, the paintwork-design looks kinda 'beng', and if you noticed, there isn't any side mirrors. I went against the law and took my risk (of personal safety, & capture by authorities) by removing the side mirrors. The reason? It does looks more attractive without the mirrors!

In just 2 weeks after getting my first bike, I got into an accident with a pedestrain! I was riding straight when a elderly man out of nowhere, paddle his bicycle across the road! And I rammed right at him!

The elderly man has a small cut on his forehead, but frankly speaking, I wasn't worried about him at all, instead, I was furious at him! Because he jay crossed the road and caused danger to himself and motorists! I had a small cut on my arm, but my bike suffers quite a damage...

The ambulance and the traffic polices came down. I thought my licence will surely be revoked. The elderly man was sent to the hospital while I rode my damaged bike home.

A few days later, I was called up to the Traffic Police HQ to see the Investigating Officer on regarding that accident. In the end, I was alright and that elderly man received a warning instead! Haha.

I brought spare parts from a bike shop and together with my friends, we repaired my damaged bike. All these repairings/modifying of my bikes and my friends' bike was really a valuable experience.

Almost a year into riding this bike, I met up with another major accident. I rammed into a taxi this time round! Again, it wasn't my fault, it was the taxi's fault. The taxi suddenly did a illegal U-turn and I rammed into him. This time, my bike suffers majorly huge damages and was sent to a workshop for repair.

Almost 3 months later, I finally got my bike back from the workshop! You would ask why it took 3 months to repair? Well it was because of some really unpleasant complicated issues between me, the bikeshop, and the workshop. Anyway, I was extremely happy and excited to get my bike back! The paintwork was freshly resprayed!

Guess which one?


After I got my bike back from the workshop, I continued riding my bike for almost another 2 years before I discovered that my bike's engine is really get old and it is frequently causing problems, repairing it would cost over $300! And so, I made the painful decision of selling away and parting with it.

Both of us were dreamers... Young lovers in the sun...

Seriously, my bike played a huge part in some of the most memorable moments in my life. We had so much memories...

I would say that I am not a reckless rider, but I do love challenging roads, like the ones with curves and sharp bends. I would frequently ask 2 of my only dare-devil friends and vice versa, for roundings/playing.

The most famous road that riders/drivers like to 'play', will be the infamous '99 turn'. For riders/drivers who love absolute speed, would often try it at the infamous long stretch of Old Lim Chu Kang Road.

Regarding the Old Lim Chu Kang Road, believe it or not but I have never speed on that road before! Polices often hide there, and heard that the road is quite 'dirty'. Anyway I don't really like speeding on a straight road with my bike, I prefer challenging roads with curves and sharp turns.

Frankly speaking, having a friendly race with a friend on a straight road is quite meaningless because anyone can win just as long as his bike is better than the other. It depends only on your bike's performance to win, but playing around curves and sharp bends is a different thing, it require skills, and therefore not anyone could win.

I usually go 'circuits' like the one behind Singapore Expo and Jurong Industrial Park 'circuits'.

Anyway, after selling off my Honda SP, I brought a smaller capacity bike, Yamaha Sparks 135...

Yamaha Sparks 135

Though it wasn't as fast, pretty, and cool as my previous bike, I still love it because it really save so much more on fuel consumption compared to my previous bike. In fact, my previous bike consume $18 worth of petrol for just a distance of only 200KM! Whereby my new bike only need $6 of petrol to go that distance (200KM)! You see, I save $12!! Also, this bike only need light maintenance.

After I got this bike, I stopped going for frequent roundings. Compared to my previous bike, this bike isn't suitable for 'playing', and also gives me a very unsecure 'feel' on each time I tried to 'play' with it. So I decided never to use this bike for 'playing', and uses it firmly for personal transportation only.

There are many riders out there whom after years of 'crazy' riding, decided to take a break by selling of their current bike and buying one similiar to mine. That is why most riders will claim that this is a 'relax' bike.

I even attached a box and fixed speakers on it! Plug into my MP3 player and blast the music throughout my journey! Well... Almost. You see, I have great consideration for others, each time I come to a red light, I will lower my music volume so soft that I won't disturb the other motorists waiting at the traffic.

Almost 2 years later, I got bored of my speakers. I find the music too soft when I ride at a fast speed, and I also find it troublesome to keep watching out for my MP3 player (not letting it fell off my bike, and the frequent dangerous adjustments of volume/tracks). However, I did not remove the box and the speakers, I leave it on instead, but stopped using it.

I just sold this bike recently, I've been riding it for 3 years! (Wow time really fly! It felt like only a year to me!) Frankly speaking, although I rode this bike a few months longer than the previous bike, it didn't gave me memorable memories as much as my previous one did.

Anyway, I rode it accident-free for 3 years. :) Below are the very last pictures of my bike. These pictures are the last moments of me ever riding this bike again.





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