Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy April Fools' Day

Went with Jessie to Pasir Ris E-Hub to watch a local movie today, and it was only our second time watching movie together since 2010!

The local movie we watched was 'Kidnapper'.

I personally gave a ratings of : 8.5 out of 10 (Compared with other local movies)

This is the best local movie I ever watched, and I personally feel that this is one of the first 'real' movies Singapore ever produced.

What do I meant by 'real'? Take the famous '881' and '12 Lotus' for examples, these movies are actually musical movies. Take Jack Neo's movies for example, all of his movies are very Singaporean-ish (foreigners wouldn't understand), and also filled with lame jokes.

'Kidnapper' is produced very well, it almost made me thought that I'm watching a Hong Kong thriller movie! If you compare this movie to other local wannabe-thriller-movies, this movie kick their ass!

After movie at Ehub, we took a walk to WhiteSands, and had our dinner over at Manhattan Fish Market...
Seafood Platter for Two!
Brought these 2 bags at a bargain of $25!

Brought the above 2 bags yesterday. Supposingly, each costs $20 before sales and $15 after sales, but I managed to get 2 for $25! The reasons that I brought the bags is because I think that they looks cute, and decided to get it for my younger sister.

Mm... That's about it, nothing else to blog... Oh wait! I have a happy news to announce! That is...












I'm getting marry with Jessie next month!

Please give me your blessings! Thank you!


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