Saturday, March 27, 2010


Wow. Haven been updating my blog for more than a month! I've been feeling lazy to blog. Anyway, I haven been going out much at all. I've been staying at home most of the time.

Recently I have just sold my bike that I've been riding for 3 years! To be precise, I sold it last Thursday!

I have been riding a bike since 2005... That is almost 5 years! And suddenly without a personal transport, I'm sure that I'm gonna be very unuse to it!

I just changed my home internet connection from Starhub Cable to Singtel. My dad was quite furious with Singtel because due to a miscommunication, my home did not have any internet connection for 4 days! Internet connection has only been up just this morning.

Anyway my home's new internet connection is so much fast than the previous one!
I did a 'Internet Speed Test' and my internet speed is at a amazing 11.89Mb/Sec!! While my previous Starhub Cable was only at 2.75Mb/Sec!

I've been surfing heavily on YouTube for the past few weeks. I found the funniest 'Cat' video (I personally feel) on YouTube and decided to share it with you people...
Well, it is not really 'entirely' an animal video, but instead, it was the lip-synch that made the video so realistically funny!!


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