Monday, November 9, 2009


I had a fucked up day at work last Saturday.
It's ridiculous... I feel like they treating us like kids.

I don't understand... Other than the 1 hour lunch break, why can't we go for a 5 to 10 mins break after working for 3 to 4 hours straight??

Other companies are more than understanding enough to allow it.

I do understand that the company pay us to work... but come on... Just a 5 to 10 mins break should be alright what. If they are really so stingy, worst come to worst deduct 10 mins of my salary away lor. Damn stupid.

In my previous job, I was a Branch Supervisor in a local department store...
When my staffs come asking me for short breaks (like smoke break, tea break or even just needed to use their mobile phone), I will happily let them go for it (as long it's reasonable).
I even told some of them that they are adults and don't have to ask me permission for toliet or even smoke break as long as they are being reasonable with it & of course get someone to temporary cover their zones.
See... I'm a nice guy.

Anyway I can't take it in my company for treating us like this... but I won't give up. I will fight for what I think is not too unreasonable.

Today was my off day, woke up at 3 pm! Went with Jessie to had lunch... then to OCBC bank.
Then for dinner... and finally for... SINGING!!!

Totally enjoyed the singing session today!

Anyway I feel that I've been eating alot since a few months back!
Lunch, Dinner & Supper! (I usually skip breakfast!)
Lunch, dinner and supper usually costs much more on my rest day with Jessie!

And when the next day is my rest day, I will usually buy tons of junk food from 24hrs convenience store and eat at home while watching online movies or my favourite... Discovery Channel! Lol!

Now I do understand why most guys around my age usually starts to grow a tummy! Haha.

Mm... talking about junk food, I still have a pack of Beef Lasagne that I brought last night from Cheers!
I'm gonna go heat it up now! Byes...


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