Friday, November 13, 2009

Bad Weather

A bad weather today!

It started to rain since 3pm this afternoon...
It's almost 1 am now and the rain have not stop!

Bad weather brings low mood... And danger!
I saw a couple of accidents this afternoon while I was riding my bike.

First I saw this chain collision of 4 cars in the middle of CTE.
Then secondly while I was exiting Havelock road, there is this serious accident,
the car was lying on it's top!
There was traffic polices and a team of fire fighters trying to get the man out from the wreck!

Myself almost met into an accident too when a lorry suddenly did an abrupt lane change infront of me!
Luckily I managed to swerve just in time to the side of the lorry!

Bad weather definitely brings danger!

Last night I caught the opening of the much anticipated move...











I personally gave a ratings of : 9 out of 10
Very nice movie with very nice CGI effects.
This movie made me open my eyes wide at some part!
Also this movie is very scary... If it was really true...
In real life, the Mayans' predicted the end of the world on 21 Dec 2012.
Could it be true?

Below are 2 pictures I took with Jessie today
under a void deck while waiting for the rain to lighten up.

Almost forgotten... Below are 2 more movies I've watched and reviewed...

Paranormal Activity

I personally gave a ratings of : 6 out of 10

The producers claimed that the critics said that this movie is one of the scariest movie of all time...

Omg... Come on... Frankly speaking, I'm quite afraid of horrow movie but this movie didn't even made me felt scare.

The only thing that kept me glued to the movie was wanting to know in what way will the spirits appear in the movie and also what will happen in the end.

This movie is one of the lowest budget movie ever created but got No.1 in the US box office!

The producers made this movie seems quite realistic though...

My Girlfriend is an agent

I personally gave a ratings of : 7.5 out of 10

Very funny movie.

Korean movie are always one of the funniest and also one of the most touching.

But I think it's time for Korea to stop creating "My girlfriend/wife is a... " movie.

While I was typing this post, the rain just grew heavier!

Sigh... My mood was very good for these few days already... Feels like life sucks!


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