Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Short Updates

Last week, i finally finished reading the new novel by Dan Brown, 'The Lost Symbol'.
I can only say... Excellent!

As I've said, Dan brown should work for Hollywood, writing storys for the top directors!
Such an thrilling and intelligent stories... same for the rest of his novels!
Words were so well used that while I was reading it, the feeling was like I'm watching a movie!

Anyway back to my life, recently met up with Ah Xiong...
Slacked and chatted with him. It's been quite awhile...

Been going singing with Jessie almost thrice weekly!
Omg... I just always have the urge to go singing suddenly!

Watched the movie 'Jennifer's Body' last night with Jessie...

I personally gave a ratings of : 8/10

Nice show.

My favourite was the town they were living in... Devil's Kettle.

Named after a mysterious waterfall nearby their town.

Why a mysterious waterfall? As mentioned & shown in the movie, the falls goes down a small river and mysteriously disappears down a pothole known as the Devil's Kettle and no one knows where it empties.

Scientist in order to know where the pothole goes to, had threw ping pong balls, dyes and other stuff into it hoping that it will appear out somewhere... but all just mysteriously disappears.

I thought this waterfall was just a made-up in the movie untill I just Googled it... there is really this falls in the USA!

Jessie just brought a Gucci wallet for me ! I knew she was buying it already because she told me earlier but I said I wanted the most expensive wallet in Gucci....

And she surprisely brought it... :)

Alright... Gonna take shower and get ready for bed soon!


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