Monday, September 21, 2009

Pretty and delicious

More of my days on the farm so far!

My favorite lunch is tomato, mozzarella, and basil on fresh bread. Rosemary focaccia is my fav, but since we didn't have any I just used Italian bread and sprinkled on some rosemary, course-ground salt, and olive oil. The tomato I was privileged enough to pick just a few minutes prior from my parent's garden. Above was yesterday's lunch.

This photo was inspired by Polly Wreford's STUNNING photo. My mom has a large and ever growing collection of glass bottles that we find in the woods behind one of the soybean fields. Whenever I'm walking back there I pick up a few and bring them back up to the house. They make great and interesting bud vases, and the flower gardens are bursting with zinnias which make for pretty arrangements.

Polly's work of art. You can see more of her work here.

And a close up of my mom's gorgeous zinnias.


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