Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Phobia? No, I don't have.

It's just the latest Thai horror movie (Phobia 2) I'm talking about...

I just caught it recently during one of my off days.
It was definitely much better than Phobia 1!

I gave Phobia 2 a ratings of : 8/10

There are a total of 5 stories in it.

First story about this boy who got haunted by his bad karma in the end...
Second one about this unlucky man hospitalised in a ward beside a strange old man...
Third one about running flesh eating zombies...
Fourth one about a woman selling second-hand cars whose previous owners all died in an accident...
Last one... Haha... You got to watch it!

First one might not be that good... but the rest are nice!
Especially the last one! U will laugh like hell!

Laugh? Yes... Laugh! It's horror with comedy!
So go catch it!


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