Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Unluckiest Day of my Life

Today really is the most unluckiest day of my life.

Sigh... Don't wanna talk about it.
Feeling sooo numbed by it... the feeling is like I'm totally lost.
Fuck it man!!!

Anyway took some photos with Jessie during one of my off days...

Thinking about the fucking unlucky incident still makes me so stressed and numbed about it...

A sad farewell

Hi all,
I'm sorry I have been offline since Thursday. I had to fly down to Florida because after a major stroke and two weeks in the hospital, my grandfather took a turn for the worse. Sadly, we lost him on Saturday morning. Granddad is a tremendous loss for the White family, and I'm lucky that I grew up with him close by and knew him so well. He had a charmed life and lived to 87.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Phobia? No, I don't have.

It's just the latest Thai horror movie (Phobia 2) I'm talking about...

I just caught it recently during one of my off days.
It was definitely much better than Phobia 1!

I gave Phobia 2 a ratings of : 8/10

There are a total of 5 stories in it.

First story about this boy who got haunted by his bad karma in the end...
Second one about this unlucky man hospitalised in a ward beside a strange old man...
Third one about running flesh eating zombies...
Fourth one about a woman selling second-hand cars whose previous owners all died in an accident...
Last one... Haha... You got to watch it!

First one might not be that good... but the rest are nice!
Especially the last one! U will laugh like hell!

Laugh? Yes... Laugh! It's horror with comedy!
So go catch it!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Announcing the winner of the Home Decorators French Country Coat Rack!

And the congratulation goes to MarySue! Congrats MarySue! Please email me at with your shipping address so we can get you that most coveted coat rack. I'm a little jealous!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another awesome bedding sale at ideeli

This one features Tony Bahama Bedding - These sheet sets are so pretty and boho chic. And great for fall!

Queen set only $64

You have to use this link if you are not yet a an ideeli member!
It's free and quick I promise :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stylish studios from Marlaina Teich

You may remember Marlaina's work when I introduced her work in the Luxurious Interiors post. Well, I was recently sent these impressive photos from one of her latest projects -

"According to NY-based interior designer Marlaina Teich, modern, neutral furniture placed strategically can define living spaces without being overpowering, and bright accessories and edgy art can liven the room, creating a studio that doesn’t feel small at all. This model studio at 200 Water easy to re-create!!

Marlaina Teich’s tips for making the most out of a one-roomer: set up double-duty areas like the dining room (that can also be used as a work station) and create firmly (but softly) divided spaces with sheer curtains (like in the bedroom) and a low couch (in the living room). Using light-colored furniture, bright accessories, strategically-placed mirrors, and fun artwork make the space feel vibrant and large, and the affordable pieces from IKEA, CB2, and West Elm keep the studio in a realistic budget for tenants to re-create.

The model has been so well received that 116 studios at 200 Water have been leased within the two months the building has been open. In addition, many tenants are attempting to re-create the look by purchasing the exact items used in Marlaina Teich’s design. 'Pretty much everyone wants to recreate Marlaina's model studio for themselves, or they incorporate similar ideas like using a bookshelf in place of the curtain divider,' says Kathleen Gargan Scott, Vice President of Marketing and Leasing for Rockrose Development Corp."

I think this is all really good advice for studio dwellers, and house dwellers can apply these same principals in small rooms .


The above is a 1bedroom living room opening to the kitchen.

The yummiest part? The new Rockrose Development Corp. property that secures exclusive Grimaldi’s pizza delivery for residents! Grimaldi's is TDF!!!

What do you guys think of these spaces?


Just got a new phone last night... It was better than I thought.

Anyway I'm sick and got MC for 2 days.

Not feeling well now... So no mood to blog.

Anyway I look at my blog now I also sian...

Almost the whole day I've been exploring and downloading applications to my new phone... thus neglected my Dear. I'm sorry k.
She's soundly asleep now.

Alright... that's all for now...

Gorgeous home office and organization inspiration

I have a feeling after looking at these photos that I'll be decorating my office more than working in it today!

This wall was painted with a magnetic paint

Too small for me but I think it's helpful to have a little surface in the kitchen dedicated to writing or a laptop for looking up recipes - too many times has muffin batter ended up all over it.

yay! for storage you can hide with the swish of a curtain!

color coordinating can help create visual order

This is an amazing home office. I'd love to have a comfy place to sit and go through papers and magazines.

images via BHG

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Balancing your home with color

I thought this was a fun little chart that House Beautiful put together.

I would definitely consider having a yellow or orange kitchen

At the least, lavender gives me a sense of serenity and light heartedness

I've read in quite a few books that having a splash of orange on your desk or in your studio helps with creativity - I usually opt for orange flowers on my desk

Deep blue encouraging efficiency is interesting too - and something I'm going to test out!

Light blue and aqua are my favorite colors. Especially in my bedroom.

I think that color theory should be applied to more public buildings and establishments like retirement homes, prisons, and hospitals. Do you guys have a room or object where the color was chosen specifically for it's effect on your psyche? If so - what's the color - and what's the room/object?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pretty and delicious

More of my days on the farm so far!

My favorite lunch is tomato, mozzarella, and basil on fresh bread. Rosemary focaccia is my fav, but since we didn't have any I just used Italian bread and sprinkled on some rosemary, course-ground salt, and olive oil. The tomato I was privileged enough to pick just a few minutes prior from my parent's garden. Above was yesterday's lunch.

This photo was inspired by Polly Wreford's STUNNING photo. My mom has a large and ever growing collection of glass bottles that we find in the woods behind one of the soybean fields. Whenever I'm walking back there I pick up a few and bring them back up to the house. They make great and interesting bud vases, and the flower gardens are bursting with zinnias which make for pretty arrangements.

Polly's work of art. You can see more of her work here.

And a close up of my mom's gorgeous zinnias.

Beautiful rooms with Parisian glamour

Thought I'd share some of this beauty with you this morning - all from Homes and Gardens

maybe not so Parisian, but pretty!

again - not so Parisian - but a pretty reading nook

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