Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pretty storage ideas

Wow, the weekend was not long enough. But here's some Monday eye-therapy. Winter often means spending more time indoors, so you might as well spend it making your home prettier.

Feminine mismatched teacups and saucers make jewelry even prettier

Carrying a color through all decor and accessories will unify your space and make it look a little neater.

Vintage planters like these abound in thrift stores and flea markets, and rarely cost more than $5.

Images via Martha Stewart

A gorgeous way to store snippets of inspiration.
Image via Sunset Magazine

Image via A Beautiful Abode
Image via Creature Comforts

A pretty way to decorate your walls and store your jewelry.

If you have a pretty collection, like these pillows, don't just hide them away. Store them by displaying them!

Dorrit Elmquist via Emmas designblogg


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