Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ode to Modern Retro!

Modern retro is one of my favorite styles of interior design. I love it due to it's roots in clean Scandinavian furniture design. The furniture has aged beautifully, and it's clean lines and attention to material deters it from looking like a badly-aged trend. Tasteful application will also keep a room in this style from looking too kitschy. What are your thought on modern retro, and how do you define it?

photos by Dan Magree

*gasp* breakfast in the conservatory? Don't mind if I do!

via IdealHome

Can you imagine coming home to this serenity?
via Skona Hem

via Design Sponge

via Desire to Inspire

via A Beautiful Abode

One of my favorite photos in general
via Emma's Designblogg


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