Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Art, bags, and stationary from Print*Pattern*Paper* - and a discount for you!

You are going to fall in love with the work of Rebecca Peragine, founder of Print*Pattern*Paper. Her sweet and child-focused handmade textiles, art, and stationary are just what the world needs a little more of - especially in these times. Also wonderful- Rebecca's artwork is used as a business tool for non-profits. She creates images and products and gives them to women's co-ops to create, promote and sell their textiles. She even holds art shows in Mexico, where the organizations are located, sells to the tourist population, and gives back proceeds as seed funds for the co-op development. Here is some of her work -

I could so see this piece, "Citrus Zinna," in my office

Perfect for a nursery! So pretty!

Also a simple and beautiful eco-friendly gift wrapping idea! The bags come with gift tags and brown ribbons, and they are gifts in themselves!

You can also purchase her wonderful market and library totes, made from eco-friendly cotton.

a short bio...I haven't even begun to feature all of her wonderful art, so go check out more at Print*Pattern*Paper, and don't forget to enter your 20% off code once you've picked out your goodies. The code is DECOR08



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