Monday, March 21, 2011


As I've been busy, it's been a long time since I properly updated my blog!

I'm currently doing some freelance website/graphics designing, and therefore, I didn't have time to update my blog for the past weeks. As for now, I took sometime so that I will be able to update my blog.

Let me see... Mm... I will just update some of the highlghts that I had over the past few weeks...

On early March, Jessie and I signed Elvis up for the 'Baby 2011 Contest' held at Tampines North Community Club, and there were over a hundred contestants!

There were 4 categories in this contest:
+ Most Photogenic Family
+ Most Photogenic Baby
+ Most Happy Baby
+ Most Healthy Baby

At the end of the day, we were proud of Elvis because at least we didn't walked-home without winning anything; Elvis managed to win the 'Top 10 Consolation for Most Photogenic Family'.

To be frank, I thought Elvis could have won the top 3 title for the 'Most Happy Baby'; because he kept laughing and laughing while the judges set the scores. And maybe it was because of me that he didn't won. (I wasn't smiling happily at all because I was too tired!)

Anyway it was still a good experience for Elvis, and we didn't joined the contest to win, but to have fun...

Pictures from the Baby Contest...








Elvis Kim

Elvis with parents and grand-parents
Look how fake I smiled Some performance by a 'balloon man'

MP for Tampines - Mr Ong Kian Min
A long speech...
...almost 50% of people were not listening...
After contest!
A family pic!


On another day, together with Jessie, Elvis, Wendy and her daughter, we went NEX shopping centre at Serangoon. It was my first time visiting this new shopping centre!

Walking around NEX will give you a feeling of walking around a shopping centre in Orchard Road... Because it is really huge! It really is the largest-shopping-centre in the East!

Elvis in Wendy's house


Then just 2 weeks ago, I went to the IT Show at Suntec City. Wow it was packed!

I went to the IT Show because I wanted to get a new laptop for myself. But the massive crowd of people made it difficult for me to even walk from one booth to the other!

Anyway, in the end, I still managed to get myself a new laptop. It is an Acer 4743G;

I bought it for only $829!! It comes with Intel Core i5 2.93GHz with Turbo Boost, NVIDIA GeForce graphic card, 8GB Memory Ram, and 640GB of disk-space! But still...

...I regretted getting this Acer laptop!

I heard that Acer laptop heats up fast. I should have gotten myself a Dell or Asus laptop! Also, I compared my new Acer laptop with Jessie's SONY Vaio;

- Mine (Intel Core i5 2.66GHz)have a better and faster processor than hers (Intel Core i3 2.40GHz)
- I have a better graphic card
- I have more memory ram (8 GB vs 6 GB)

But despite all these, my laptop performance wasn't as smooth as her Sony Vaio!! WTH?! It should have been faster or at least the same! I wonder is it Acer's fault?

Anyway, speaking of buying my laptop at a good price, it reminds me of something...

I still remember when my Dad bought our very first family computer. It was back in 1995! Yes! I have already been using a computer since 1995, more than 15 years ago!!

Guess how much did the desktop computer costs?

$5000!!! Can you imagine that?? Now with just 10% of that amount, you can get a Netbook, and it will still perform 10 times faster than it!

And the brand of my first computer? 'IPC' - the already-long-lost but once-popular computer company.

If I remembered correctly, IPC was a local (Singapore) computer-maker company! And during then, IPC was so popular that it became the BEST computer company in Singaporea, and also one of the best computer company internationally!! Don't ask me if IPC was once the best then what happened to it now? I don't know neither...

Anyway, my first computer model was called 'My-Genie Gold' from IPC; it was the best computer available that time, and also won many prizes internationally!

Come to think of it, my first computer costs $5000 at that time. But now for $500, you can easily get one that is so much so much better! Wow... Technology...

Last weekend, I watched the latest movie: World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles

I personally give a ratings of: 7 out of 10 stars

This movie wasn't bad but neither is it up to my expectations.

What I didn't like about this movie was the story; it was more like a urban-war movie than an alien invasion movie! It just makes you feel like the US army is fighting against some invaders with advanced-weapon.

Compared the story to other aliens invasion movies like 'Independence Day' and 'War of the Worlds', 'Battle Los Angeles' really loses far out!

But overall, it was still pretty exciting! Worth to watch it!

Last night, I managed to update my iPhone's OS from 4.1 to version 4.2.1 (and not the latest 4.3)!

I didn't want to update to 4.3 because there isn't any Jailbreak programs for iOS 4.3 yet.

Anyway I spent quite awhile (almost 2 hours) trying to update my iPhone to 4.2.1 and not to 4.3! And I accomplished it! (No, it wasn't that simple. If your iPhone's version is an old one, then try updating your iPhone to 4.2.1 and not 4.3!)

Lastly, some random pictures taken over the past weeks...









Me and Jessie at Airport

 Elvis confused by these 2 moving toys...

 Liu Tong- A lonely sad cat after his best friend is gone.



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