Thursday, March 3, 2011

A tribute to my pet cat

This post for my pet cat that has passed away almost a month ago.
On the 4th day of CNY.

Ah Huay

My cat’s name is ‘Ah Huay’, literally meaning ‘flower’ in Chinese dialect.

I know my cat has a very weird and super-old-fashion name! But I wasn’t the one who gave my cat the name, it was my mum!

The story of Ah Huay

Ah Huay is a stray female cat that my mother brought home years ago...

This is Ah Huay

Back in 2005, when my mother was still running a food stall in a hawker center located at Kovan Interchange, Ah Huay would frequently ‘patronize’ my mother’s stall and my mother will give her some food.

Every day, around noon time, Ah Huay will return to my mother’s stall for food, and this goes on for months.

Eventually, my mother decided to give Ah Huay a name.

One evening, upon hearing the news that the AVA (Agri-Food Veterinary Authority) will be catching stray cats around Kovan, my mother quickly bought Ah Huay home.

I definitely still can remember the first day that Ah Huay came home; I think Ah Huay was quite frightened because she wasn’t familiarized with the place, and so, she just sits quietly in a dark corner of the house. We weren’t able to get close to her.

After hours of luring her, Ah Huay finally came out from the dark corner and ate her food!

Late 2007, after living with us for almost 2 years, I brought a new friend to Ah Huay. It is Liu Tong; a lost and silly stray-kitten that I discovered and decided to bring it home.

Liu Tong

Although Ah Huay was so much older than Liu Tong, but still, Ah Huay quickly became Liu Tong’s best friend! They will usually sleep together, play together, and even eat together!

Liu Tong (left) Ah Huay (right)

Eat together...


Play together...


But of course, Ah Huay was often irritated by Liu Tong that always kept looking for her to play and play!

And like this, both Ah Huay and Liu Tong lived with my family for over 4 years.

Ah Huay & Liu Tong

The last couple of months before Ah Huay passed away, she was already looking sick. So, on 7th of Feb 2011, we sent Ah Huay to a pet clinic for observation, and unfortunately, she died a few hours later.

Ah Huay’s death affected most of my family members, especially my mother, because Ah Huay has been our family pet for 5 years afterall, and I know the one that will be affected most is… Liu Tong.

Liu Tong spent 95% of his life living with Ah Huay, his best friend. And now, suddenly Ah Huay is gone, Liu Tong becomes so lonely. He will sleep in a lonely little corner; stood by the door waiting for someone; and daze out of the windows.
Liu Tong

Every night, while everyone is sleeping in their rooms, Liu Tong moans for someone to play with him.

Everyday, Liu Tong must be wondering when is Ah Huay coming home. Liu Tong probably thinks that Ah Huay has only sneaked out of the house and will be coming home sooner or later. I feel sad for him that he will never get to know that his best friend has passed away…

Ah Huay was really a very wise and obedient cat...

My younger sis, Karin, with Ah Huay

Karin with Ah Huay

Ah Huay - Est. 2001 - 2011

Goodbye my dear friend~
May you get to eat your favorite prawns as much as you like now!

I will miss you.


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