Monday, September 13, 2010

More Baby Boy Pictures

Today is my ICT (In-Camp-Training; more popularly known as reservist), and it will last for 2 weeks.

So this afternoon I went Jurong Camp II, the purpose is not to do my ICT but to defer my ICT!

Well, actually I already did my deferment through Mindef online, and was successfully approved, but I was still told by my unit that I must go down to see the commanding officer!

Waited in camp for 6 hours and in the end asked me that why am I here to see the commanding officer when Mindef already approved my deferment! And with that, they said I could return home already!

Wasted my time traveling from Tampines to Jurong West and back!

Oh yah! While I was on my way to camp, in the train, I choose the wrong seat by sitting beside a fat dude. This fat dude sat with a spread body, taking up 2 seats and that's not all. He is obviously mentally unsound, drinking and eating, throwing sweet wrappers on the floor while making crazy and loud moaning noises!

Everyone was staring at him. No wonder I found it strange that when I entered the train, all the seats are taken except for the one beside the fat dude, and those standing didn't wanted to sit there!

Throughout the journey, with the crazy fat dude beside me, was a stressful and insecure one!

Ok, I think I will continue with my post title now, 'More Baby Boy Pictures'!
Just only 20 days old and already sucking his fingers!
This is what happens when I gently pull his fingers away from his mouth! Babies are always in a 'sleepy mode'.
Trying to sneak up on me.
Gotcha! Try harder next time!

Alright, that's all for this post!


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